Chapter 9

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<<sounds like a filler chapter to me>>

    Wheels of the car copied the bumpy rocks of the Richmond streets. Sunshine grazed the black interior of the car, as the yellow car made its way to the final destination. My eyes followed the moving objects catching only the colors of the buildings. Gray. . . White.
It was a day ago since our lips collided together and I still felt that silky feeling of his lips grazing mine. I replayed that move over and over again. The fluttering in my abdomen to my shaking finger tips. I vividly remember how a jolt of something passed through my body that evening, something that I didn't recognized up until now, when our bodies get closer my breathing gets heavier, when I feel his hot breath, gooshing over my skin i can feel my heart beating against my ribcage and that jolt . . Of happiness.
The cab stopped. The houses I saw weren't the same as we have in our neighborhood. There's just one reason that could explain it. I looked out from the front window, that had splattered bugs on it here and there. Red lights flickered every time a car stopped in front of us. A God damn traffic jam.
An annoyed and shallow exhale slipped past my lips. Right when I'm here? My back hit the seats, my body tensing with every roar the hungry car engine made. The cab driver gave me a quick look, making sure I wasn't the crazy person who will scream at him, for being stuck in a traffic jam. My fingers tapped the velvet car seats that felt gracefully against my finger tips the soft material reminding me of Derek's silky brown locks. The urge of tapping my finger in stress faded as my thoughts filled with the man I loved. His bright smile made his eyes sparkle like lanterns, brown eyes fit him so well, they sparkled with every word he said. You could tell how happy he is, just from those chocolate orbs.
My head moved to the side looking out of the window, seeing the houses, taking in the colors fully, the design and the children laughing and playing with the little chocolate brown dog outside as I pipe dreamt. I imagined us tangling our fingers together, walking down the empty streets of the Richmond city, spending the time with each other, whispering sweet nothings to lighten up the day even more. Our feet stepping in some puddles, wetting our shoes. The air was still filled with the rainy mood from yesterday. Suddenly a loud horn sound echoed through the small space in the car.
I blinked twice, adjusting my blurred gaze from staring too much, corners of my lips slightly stang from smiling widely.
My gaze met the cab drivers hand on the steering wheel, his palm placed on the carved-in trumpet. His veins popping up from underneath his the pale skin from anger. I looked up, seeing the reason why his blood boiled from anger. A car tried to get in our lane, almost scratching the paint off of the cab. The image I had before me gave me a flash back.
~,,You can't--" My dad spoke but cut off the sentence, when I pushed the gas pedal too hard. The car engine roared in agony and stopped with an exhausted purr.
,,This doesn't make any sence." My seventeen year old me shook my head in disbelief as I held onto the black leather of the steering wheel. I couldn't get one simple four steps, that is to push the clutch pedal, switch a gear on the gearbox and move forward.
,,It does," My dad simply replied to my grief statement. ,,Here.. I will hold the gearbox. " Dad said when he placed his hand, litteted with wrinkles, on the lever. I watched his movements, getting the point. ,,Alright, now let's start the car again." Dad softly said as he watched my hand move over to the keys in the ignition hole. The car engine roared to life for the hundredth time today. ,,Push the clutch... Slowly!" My dad's voice rose when my foot moved too fast, I slowed down my actions, gripping the steering wheel with my long fingers. I felt something jump in the cars engine, and the car moved forward. I could see my dad's reflecting expression in the big front window. His teeth showed and he proudly puffed out his chest. I did it! I moved the car! I nested in my seat, excited about my first, successful start.
Dad's expression swiftly faded as the car dangerously fast, moved to the big tree. ,,Jaspal!" he bumped into my shoulder,  catching me out of guard, moving my hands to the side and the steering wheel moved with the wheels of the slight roaring SAAB. The car touched the tree's crust softly, peeling off some of the black, blue color from the brand new car. I hissed, awaiting the screams of my father, but he just laughed. My leg was aching at how hard I was pushing the break pedal, pinning it to the floor.
,,I'm proud of you." Dad talked between his monotone laughs. His hand landed on my shoulder, patting it proudly. ,,You can stop the car now, buddy." Dad laughed, his black hair messy and his hand placed on his stomach, probably sore from laughing so much. I exhaled loudly, turning off the car and pushing the handbreak up.~
Golden teen years I wish I could bring back. They were times where you just didn't needed to worry about anything, bills, taxes, you name it.
The cars slowly moved as the police man pointed forward.
I stood outside of the double-decker I called home. Opening the door, a strong sweet smell with hints of faded Cinnamon hit my nostrils. It smelled rather familiar to Derek's shower gel. The same implement of Cinnamon hanged there, just the perfect amount of it so it could remind me of his soft skin.
,,Jaspal!" Joven cried out when he saw me standing in the door way. The Cinnamon smell still strong in my nose. ,,You weren't home in the morning, so I came to guard it." he spit out words like a machine-gun. After a while I stopped focusing on my brothers words, zoning out I thought about the bittery sweet smell of the Cinnamon in the air and the soft skin. Oh, how I wondered how it would feel against my skin.
Going down slowly...
,,Jaspal?" Jovens voice echoed through my ears, snapping me back to reality. His voice tinted with confusion and a hint of curiousneess. ,,Did you--,, Joven stopped in his tracks opening his mouth as if in terror and disbelief ,,Did you get yourself a girlfriend?"
This made me jump and widen my eyes, almost rolling out of my eye holes. Is it that obvious? What's signaling I'm in love? ,,No! Of course not!" I refused, holding my palms out to him, shaking them vigorously.
,,Oh, come on!" Joven grinned making his words sound longer. He was provoking me.
,,Really, I don't have one. I just haven't slept good." I relaxed my hands, letting them fall to my body.
,,And where did you slept then?" Joven demanded, still not giving up the thought that I have a girlfriend.
,,At--" Pause. I tried to contain the ribbon of red that, I for sure knew will creep up on my cheeks after I'll say his name.  ,,Derek's."
Damn it. . .

<Ok look, I knew I said an update everyweek... BuT I had many exams in school and I, actually started reading in English!>

[I hope you enjoyed this chapter that is practically chaos. I hope you have a nice rest of your lovely day/night! See ya in the next chapter!]

<<I'm not promising scheduled updates>>

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