Chapter 7

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I turned around, a familiar scent hit my nose. There was a blanket wrapped around me, not the air like I passed out on the couch. They were nice, comfy. And felt familiar.

I hummed. Opening slowly one of my eyes. Mirror. Picture. That picture was familiar. We bought it with Derek.


I  sat up. The thin fabric sliding down from my shoulders.
'I must've fallen asleep at the couch.'  Did Derek brought me here? Did he cover me up? At the last thought I felt my heart jump. And the ribbon of crimson again appeared on my cheeks.

I looked beside me, thinking Derek would lie there. It was a rexlef. I think. The mattresses were empty. His blanked was placed at the thick pillow, meaning it wasn't touched. At least his bed wasn't messed up like his new apartment.

I looked around the room. White paint covering the walls. I didn't even know what time it was. The sun was going down when we watched the movie. Did the sun sat down when I fallen asleep?

I got frustrated, my heart thuding again. Where is Derek? I grabbed the warm blanket, where unicorns used to be, and pulled it down. My legs were still covered with denim. But my chest wasn't.

My eyes almost fell on the ground. My chest was exposed to the air. I looked around for the white shirt, kneeling on the bed and groping for the shirt.

,,Shit where is it." I muttered under my breath. I can't go out from this room like this. After all Derek took it off of me. Some of the blood got to my cheeks again, thinking of him just taking off my shirt.

'Where is it?'  if not on the bed, where? I looked around the bed. What if he just tossed it to the ground? My eyes scanned the floor. Nothing. There was nothing on the floor.

What if I just ask him? Only he can know. I looked at the door. It was white like the walls. They would perfectly match and disappear if they wouldn't had the curves of a wooden door. I blinked trying to get braver. 'You can do it.' I reaped those four words in my head. 'Just ask him where your shirt is and it will be fine.'

I exhaled, stepping on the cold laminated flooring of dark wood. It made me miss the warm and cozy blankets. I would lie down and fall asleep again but Derek was roaming from one side of my head to the other. I stood up. The warmth of the bed sheets left. I looked around the last time, maybe I will see it better from here. No sign of my shirt. Maybe I was blind or Derek has it with him. What if he wanted me to go out and ask for the shirt? Oh that bastard.

I stepped forward, making sure not to make a loud noise. The thuds of me walking towards the door were jumping from the walls to my ears. I grabbed the door knob when I was close to the door. My palms began to sweat, my heart didn't stopped echoing in my ears. 'you can do it.' I repeated one last time and turned the metal knob. The white wooden door opened with a light 'click'. I swallowed my fear. Opening the door slightly, leaving space just so I can see outside the bedroom. The colors were flickering and changing. Blue, white, red, blue. The television was on. Did he fallen asleep while watching the TV?

I opened the door fully, when I saw someone covered with a thin blanket on the couch. Soft snores were heard from that direction. It's so cold out here. And he's covered just with a thin blanket? Why didn't he slept with me? I looked at the terrace, it was night. The moon was smiling at other stars. It was beautiful. It sure is midnight. Stars were so bright, they glowed with passion to light other peoples paths in the dark. I would watch the night sky for my whole life if I wanted to, it was fascinating how big the universe is. If Derek would see this.

I thuded over to the sleeping male, watching how peacefully he layed and snorted in his hand. His hair was messed up, there was no gel in them, no spray, it was messy the way they should be. I wanted to touch them, but I would wake him up, I didn't wanted to interrupt his dreams. I should've stayed in my bed. But he doesn't deserve to be here, in the cold living room connected with the kitchen. Suddenly an idea came to my mind. I rushed back to the room where I woke up. The flooring here and there cracking slightly when i shifted my weight over to my other feet.

Only the shuffling of fabrics were heard from the room where I was in. I grabbed the  thick blanked from Derek's side of the bed. The Old Spice scent hit my nose. He sure liked sleeping on this side. I smelled it again, putting my nose to the smooth fabric. It calmed my nerves for some strange reason.

The scent was still stuck in my nose after I pulled away from the blanket. The wings of many butterflies tickled my abdomen again. I spreaded my corners of my lips. I felt happy. I walked out of the room with a smile splattered on my face. My hair was touching the sheet I held with my two hands, trying not to drag it on the floor. My bare feets got used to the cold flooring. I just realized there was a change of colors in the bedroom and the living room. In bedroom there was a dark colored leminate flooring and in the living room, there was a cream color of the flooring. Strange. It made the bedroom look darker.

Derek didn't stop snoring. It wasn't loud. It was meanig I should go to sleep too. But I had to do one thing. And that was to put the cozy sheet over Derek. I don't want him to be freezing over the night. I managed to put the bed sheet over his shoulders. Derek shifted. His body knowing something new covered his body. I looked at his face, expecting him to wake up but he was still asleep, snores were still leaving his lips at a peaceful peace. I would watch him all night, he was so peaceful when he sleeped. There was nothing he was worrying about, nothing he was angry about. It was just him and the dream land.

I didn't bothered about my bare chest, I forgot about the shirt. Now it's my turn to fall asleep.

,,Jaspal?~" Derek's voice croaked. It was tired. But his eyes were closed. Is he talking from his dreams? I didn't responded and waited with my eyes wide opened. ,,. . I love you. .~" the three words formed and left his lips with that tired voice of his. It sounded like it was screamed out. But those three words. They were still magical and made the litte fire bigger.

,, I love you too Derek." I said whispering when Derek started to snore again. I yawned as I walked towards the door frame, my hand automatically moved to my mouth to cover it. I saw the bed and remembered the heat and the softness of the mattresses. My legs felt weak. Only few more steps. I didn't bother to close the door. The television was still on, I didn't had the energy to go back and push some meaningless buttons. I only focused on the tiredness of my body and how to fix it. One more step, the last crack of flooring echoed through the walls and my body plopped on the bed. A exhale of winning left my parted lips as I unzipped my pants and pulled them down. My legs got some of that red liquid too. Oh it felt good. My legs and chest were exposed to the world but nobody could see behind the four walls. I layed back, my head softly hitting the pillow, and my hands moved the sheets up my body covering every inch of my skin.

Finally.  .

Tiredness pulled on my eye lids. My eyes closing and the rollercoaster of dreams could began. .

| I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I experimented with my style. And I felt the Chapters are rushed so I tried to keep it at a steady peace. I hope you have a great day / night! |

Secrets || Derpal (Derek x Jaspal) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant