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It had been an exhausting day of work for a few of the diligent greasers, Lucky, Hal, and Johnny, who all worked the night shift. It violated the school's requirement of a certain limitation of hours, but they didn't care. It was the money that brought food on the table and established a stable roof for them to live under. Plus, it was their careers anyway, assiduous in their passion for fixing  dissembled cars and bikes, cleaning oil rigs, and repairing broken brakes. At the end of the day, although it was an overwhelming hassle, admittedly the few boys enjoyed their jobs. Especially Lucky De Luca, who always admired the quality of a hardworking man who had the talent with his hands to fix things instead of being cooped up in some crammed office working on technological advances. It should be a required skill, or so he always considered, as technology and companies weren't always going to work as expected so. He was also an independent man, who kept to himself and wanted to be prepared for any possible outcomes in case of any emergencies assessed.

On the way home, as a way to cheer up his fellow commander as promised, Hal Esposito bought a few buckets of fried chicken for the gang tonight.

Johnny Vincent, having a couple of bucks to spare, handed it to his food obsessed friend.

"Hey, if it ain't too much to ask, buy their mashed potatoes would ya? With gravy on it too, so Sabrina isn't just eating chicken tonight."

Hal looked at him and nodded, understanding why. He didn't question it and obeyed his order, buying mashed potatoes for the female Vincent to eat as well.

"Norton said he wanted us to all meet up at your house tonight, so I wondered what he has to tell us?" Hal wondered, caressing the buckets of fried chicken to his thick chest closely as possible, possessive of his food.

Johnny shrugged, clutching the bowl of mashed potatoes to his arm so he wouldn't drop it. "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it's important. At least I hope."

He sighed suddenly, still feeling depressed over his queen's ignorance and her decision to give him the silent treatment.

"I hope my Lola is there, she's a part of our gang too, y'know?"

Lucky and Hal discreetly rolled their eyes and exchanged an exasperated glance, tiresome of their leader falling for his harlot. All he did was whine over her during work and shop today, desperate to win her affection back. No matter what that female did, she could never provoke him offensively.

"Man, get over her Johnny! She is a skinny emaciated little twig who doesn't love you-"

The overweight greaser was elbowed in the side by the silent Lucky, his plushy gut now in pain.

He received an emotional, yet warned glare from the alpha, who now spoke sourly to him. "If that's the way you feel about Lola, fine. I can't help but love her!"

Hal and Lucky remained quiet, zoning out their leader as he was now rambling about his tramp of a queen, who treated him so horribly. She was absolutely toxic, and it still left them all bewildered how the boy could return back to her so many times. It was a tragic love story, how Johnny would fight so effortlessly for a girl that just couldn't love him the way he had done. He needed a woman who was committed the same as him, into the relationship that they could cherish together. But unfortunately it was limited, and sadly in the chocolate brown eyes of the male Vincent, all he could see was the leopard fabric of that tight leather jacket, that coordinated with those leather capris. No one could compare to her for some reason, and everyone, including him, couldn't understand why. Was it because of her undeniable attractiveness? How short her auburn colored hair was trimmed to her creamy neck, revealing much more of her? Was it the way her oily, cat wing eyes that she batted so animatedly at him, make her appear lost? Like she had been wandering for love, just as he did? And that's why, he had in it in his big heart to love someone as toxic as her?

Bullworth Chronicles: The Story of Sabrina VincentWhere stories live. Discover now