Emily and Jessica- Friends Once More

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     Bright lights and beeping. That's all Jessica could recall as she slowly opened her eyes after surgery. Her head was still dizzy and she couldn't get her limbs to cooperate, so she just laid there in a dazed state for a moment or two. As things became clearer, she heard another sound. It seemed far away at first, but got louder and more defined as she completely woke up. After a few moments, she could clearly recognize the sound as sobbing coming from somewhere next to her. She assumed that her mother was informed on what happened, and rushed to the hospital as soon as she could. What she wasn't expecting to see when her eyes adjusted, however, was Emily's sobbing form sitting in the chair near the bed, her face hidden by her hands and dark hair.
"E-Emily...?" Jess asked weakly as she slowly sat up.
Emily, who hadn't been expecting her to wake up, sat up quickly. "Jess!" She cried as she stood up, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug. Jess winced at this, mainly because she was already still in a lot of pain. "Oh, uh, sorry." Em apologized as she let go. "I'm just glad to see you awake."
     "I can tell..." Jess said. "...where's everyone else?" She asked.
     "Uh, Matt, Sam, Ashley, and Chris went down to the cafeteria for lunch. Mike's in surgery, and I just got done." Emily replied.
     It was only then that Jess realized that Emily was wearing the same baby-blue hospital gown as her. She also noticed the bandages on her shoulder. "What... what were you in surgery for?" Jess asked.
     "Oh, just some stitches. Nothing too bad." Em answered. This certainly wasn't what Jess was expecting. Under any other circumstances, Emily would be whining and complaining about needing stitches, or that her arm hurt, or that her hospital gown was tacky. Instead, however, she seemed completely focused on Jess. She wasn't complaining, of course, but it just seemed odd considering what happened the night before. In the chaos, it had slipped her mind.
     "Wha...what happened last night? To you I mean..." Jess asked.
     "Oh god, it was awful. I got chased through some dingy old mines by a wendigo." Emily answered. "The stupid thing bit me. That's why I got stitches." She explained, gesturing to her shoulder.
     "So that's what those things are called..." Jess replied.
     "Yeah... I'm guessing you encountered one."
     "...it pulled me through a window... d-dragged me through the snow... dropped me into a mine... th-then the elevator fell... I'm glad Matt found me."
     At the mention of her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, Emily sighed. "At least he had your back. Would've been nice if he had mine too."
     "What do you mean by that?"
     "Well... me and Matt went to the fire tower to call for help... but it collapsed." Emily explained, causing Jess to gasp. "It fell into the mines. Instead of trying to help me, he let the tower fall with me dangling off of it!"
     Jess could tell that Emily was getting worked up again, so she tried to calm her down. "Maybe there was nothing he could do." She reasoned.
     Emily thought for a moment. "Maybe, but it didn't help that I was a total bitch to him... and to you. That's why I wanted to talk to you." Jess tilted her head in confusion. "Look, I shouldn't have said those things I did back at the lodge. You and Mike weren't even doing anything... I was just jealous." Em confessed.
"You've still got feelings for Mike..." Jess assumed.
Emily looked down in shame. "I know, and I shouldn't have taken that out on you... I-I'm trying my best to apologize, okay?" She said, obviously struggling to find the right words.
Jess smiled faintly. "I know, and I forgive you."
Emily obviously wasn't expecting such an answer. "Wait, what? J-just like that?"
"Just like that." Jess repeated. "I miss having a main hoe." She winked.
Emily couldn't help but laugh at the inside joke. "I do too." She admitted.
     "Besides, I don't know if I'm gonna stay with Mike, so why let him effect us?"
"Wait, huh? You're gonna dump Mike?" Emily asked in shock.
"Yeah- Wait, no-" she sighed. "I don't know yet. Things have been insane, I feel like I don't even know up from down anymore."
"Tell me about it..." Emily agreed. She laid on the bed, to Jess's right. "Well, if you need some advice, I'm always here."
"I don't wanna sound mean, but you've really changed in the past 48 hours." Jess pointed out.
"What? You mean I'm less bitchy?"
"I-I um-"
Em laughed. "It's fine, I know I was. I've just realized that it's not gonna help us right now..." Both girls looked out the room's window. They could see Bob and Melinda Washington talking to the police. The other's parents were also there, some sitting quietly and some arguing with doctors or other parents.
"And from the looks of things, we're gonna need all the help we can get." Emily finished.
Jess nodded, carefully resting her head on Em's uninjured shoulder. "Yeah... I'm just glad we're friends again." She said.
"Me too." Emily replied, having no problem with Jess leaning on her.
Both girls fell silent for a moment. After five minutes or so, Jessica's parents rushed in, bombarding her with hugs and questions. Emily had no problem getting up and waiting outside while they talked. She hoped her parents would contact her soon. When Jess's parents finally said goodbye, Emily returned, only to find Jess crying slightly.
"Sounds like they were worried about you." Emily pointed out as she went back to her spot on the bed.
"Th-they were..." Jess replied as she wiped her eyes.
"Have you talked to your parents yet?" She asked.
"...no. They're probably working or something..." Emily answered, a hint of sadness in her voice.
"I'm really sorry..." Jess tried to comfort her as she gently hugged her friend.
Emily, who wasn't usually a big fan of physical affection, was happy to accept. She rested her head on Jess's shoulder, doing everything in her power not to cry. Even if she did, however, she knew Jess wouldn't mind. To anyone else, it would be hard to believe that the two girls despised each other just hours ago.
They stayed like that for several minutes, until medicine-induced drowsiness overtook them both. They didn't bother to move from their places as they drifted off to sleep, happy that they were friends once more.

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