×Chapter One×

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What were we missing?

     At the edge of a narrow sidewalk stood a rather short male, he wore a oversized blue zip up hoodie with the hood pulled up to hide his face and hair. It was raining, the soft patter of each individual drop never echoed in the unusually quiet street. Before long however, the unmistakable sounds of a certain males footsteps echoed in the males ears.

     "Dude, a fatass raindrop just hit my head.." came the males voice as he drew back uncomfortably, a short chuckle came from the shorter male as he looked over grinning, he looked fine- for the most part. That is, until you saw the eyes... or lack of them, the male had hollow sockets that Drew in practically all attention, away from everything "good" about his appearance.

     "That sucks" he interrupted himself with a short chuckle before continuing "Hey Edd, You doing alright? Saw you walking home alone yesterday looking pissed off"

     In return Edd sighed before answering in a spiteful tone "yeah Eduardo and his bitch boys wouldn't piss off, I swear to God one day I'm going to drop that fucking-"tom cut him off with a loud shushing sound, Edd looked at the shorter with a confused expression as Tom looked around frantically, It seemed strange. Tom was usually rather anxious but never paranoid so that had to mean-

   A loud and familiar mocking laugh bounced off the still morning air and hung with a sense of dread, in Surprise the two wheeled around only to be met with a familiar face. A lean and tall male with Carmel hair pointed up into two odd spikes stood there, they could recognize the norsk just about anywhere. A sigh of relief passed through them both as Tom suddenly walked up socking Tord in the arm.

    "You fucking-!" Tord chuckled as Tom continued saying "Asshole! Do you WANT me to have a heart attack?!" Tord had held his hands up saying between laughing fits.

     "I surrender!" As he dropped to the ground holding his stomach and laughing pitifully.

    "Alright C'mon you assholes" Edd gave a chuckle before walking toward to help the fallen norsk to his feet, Tom gave a huff before starting down the sidewalk as the two hurried to catch up, this is how every day started.

Well... It was.


Oh my god- I'm so glad to finally write a serious fanfic! I hope you guys enjoy! This was a introductory chapter so sorry if it's a bit short!

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