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With help from Sadie, I managed to get into the great room where I collapsed in a chair where Sadie patiently waited (I can't believe I'm saying this but Sadie was patient. Owww Sadie don't punch ) for me to regain my strength. We made it to the patio where the inmates went quiet when they saw me.I stumbled and Zia raced over and helped me gently to my seat at the head of the table and I broke the news




I winced when Carter came in. He looked terrible. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes were dull. He slouched which he never does. He stumbled when he walked and he leaned heavily on Sadie. I jumped out of my seat to help him to his seat at the head of the table next to me. No one wanted to sit there because that is where Carter sits and no one wanted to make Carter think we were trying to replace him. When he was seated he told us dreadful news. "I had a ba dream." he said. " The dream was about the return of Setne..." everyone gasped. "Setne sent that army to us. He has many more left. He wants to see us dead. He said that he would bring a bigger army to destroy us all." He paused to let that sink in "I saw Brooklyn house in ashes and rubble I saw... I saw everyone dead." He said shakily. And with that he stood up shakily. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he collapsed into unconscious heap. Everyone ran to his side and Walt picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. Jaz followed him into the infirmary when Walt came back we all went to bed. Before I went to bed, I saw Carter who was still unconscious very pale and clammy.He was sweaty and was breathing heavily like he had run a marathon. Jaz was running around the room looking for something to help him. Sadie was crying and Walt was trying to comfort her. When Setne makes an entrance.





I can't believe Carter's bad luck. First he defeats set, revives ra and defeats apophis to save the world risking his life several times and is thanked by having a demon slice a sword down his back and then he mysteriously falls into a coma. I mean what did he do to deserve this. I tried to comfort Sadie the best I could. "I-i-i-it's just not f-f-f-fair!!" Sadie sniffled. What did I d-d-do to deserve this. "C-c-c-Carter didn't do any thing. I didn't do anything no one did a bloody t-t-t-t-thing." Sadie sobbed into my shoulder. Then Setne arrived Jaz screamed and Sadie yelled "N'dat!!" the protection spell and Carter was incased by a round blue force field after summoning her staff and wand from duat. "Setne!!" Sadie growled. "I swear if u don't leave us alone then I'll feed your heart to Ammit my self!" "Ok. if you don't want to know how to save your brother I'll just leave then." "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER YOU FILTHY HAIRED LYING LITTLE EVIL GHOST!!!!!" Sadie yelled. This woke up all of Brooklyn house. Zia who had been standing there snapped out of her trance and threw the seven ribbons of Hathor at him. Setne waved his hand and the ribbons tied up her instead. I tried to grab him and turn into dust but he snapped his fingers and I froze inches away from his arm. I wanted to scream at him but my lips were froze shut. Sadie spat" How do I save my brother." As much as the fought the each truly cared about each other. "You must have a god go with you on a quest. you must find the feather of truth, the scroll of Sekhmet, and his secret name. all in 3 days including today. We'll good luck!". He vanished with a poof. The ribbons fell off of Zia, I unfroze and the spell around Carter was released. The inmates rushed in. "What happened?" Felix asked. "I'll tell you in a minute. Everyone meet in the living room in 5 min." Zia said.






Hi. Sadie here! I let Zia take over this meeting. I was to upset to protest. We had three days from now to save Carter or I'll be visiting him with dad in the underworld. I just skipped the meeting all together and went to sleep. Of course my ba had to leave my body as usual (I swear my pillow dose not work) I could swear I had been here but I couldn't put my finger on it. Ah-ha I was here 2 years when Jaz was in a coma. What I saw made my heart leap. I saw Carter's body just like Jaz's there were orange candle's around him and his ren. Then he saw me "Hey." Carter said casually. As if he was seeing me in the hallway rather than in an infirmary in duat. He had on traditional egyptian clothes on. "Carter. Thank the gods your ok. Do you know what's going on?" "No what is going on?" Carter said. "We have three days to find your secret name, the feather of truth, and the scroll of Sekhmet." "Oh well I have to tell you my secret name again. Uhgggg not again ok so I made you give it up so I give you Sadie Kane permission to remember my secret name." With that I remembered how to say his secret name again. I felt myself get pulled away. "Bye Sadie I'll see you soon. I love you. Oh, Tell Zia I miss her."Carter said. Then a bunch of demons ran in. Carter stood up and grabbed the crook and flail and desintegrated the first row of demons and yelled "Go ill be fine!" "No I won't leave you" "JUST GO" with that I woke up.




I swear I will re-kill Setne. He sent an army to kill us, hurts Carter, puts Carter into a coma with three more days to live and ties me up in my own ribbons of Hathor. This day is just great. When we started the meeting Sadie decided to go to bed early. Probably tired from sustaining that protection spell on Carter. While she was asleep, Walt and I started the meeting. "Carter is in a coma and only has three days to live not including today. The only way to save him is to find a god willing to help us we'll probably need to find Bast-" I said but was cut off by Bast saying "Need me for what?" Bast asked. Sadie came down and tackled Bast with a hug. "Bast. How are you here? I thought the gods banished to duat. "We'll they were but when Setne rose an army chaos formed and now to keep the balance of the universe the gods could come out of duat. Where's Carter?" "Um. Bast, Setne put Carter into a coma. He was in battle and a demon sliced a khopesh down his back. He recovered but when he was unconscious he had a ba dream. Setne is rising. After he warned us Setne put him under a spell that can only be cured if we get a god, his secret name, the feather of truth, and the sacred scroll of Sekhmet. I just had a ba dream where he just gave me his secret name back. Then he was attacked by a swarm of demons. Oh bast what are we going to do?"Sadie sobbed into Bast's shoulder

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