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Hey. It's Carter. So I go to tell Brooklyn house about Setne when I go to get up I feel like I've been hit on the head by a hammer then I see Walt carry my body out of the room and put me gently in bed. Then I was at the foot of a bed in duat. I saw my ren and my body. I sat at the foot of my bed looking at my body and ren. I hear someone yell my name and turn to see Sadie."Carter! thank the gods your ok. Do you know what's going on." "No" I said. Sadie told me about Setne. The cure the three days. Oh well I guess i have to tell you my secret name. I give you Sadie Kane back my secret name!" "Bye Sadie I will see you soon oh tell Zia I miss her!" Suddenly the wall broke and a herd of demons stormed in. I grabbed my crook and flail. I yelled at Sadie "Go i'll be fine" "no I won't leave you"Sadie said "JUST GO"I yelled. With that she left. I swiped through a row of demons I summoned a combat avatar and fought for my life. Sudenly I saw Zia's ba throw a fireball at the demons. Gods even as a chicken bodied spirit she was beautiful. Soon the demons were only a pile of sand. My body was cut and had bruises on it. Then Zia said "I m glad I could help you Carter. She pecked me on the cheek and her ba returned to her body. I collapsed onto my bed to catch my breath as my body healed. The only sign of battle was a scar on my arm .




After the meeting I fell asleep, immediately my ba went on a trip and I a trip to duat I was tired and didn't try to change my appearance so when saw Carter fighting the demons in duat I burnt the demons to a crisp. "I'm glad I could help you Carter" I said. And before he could say another word I pecked him on the cheek and my ba returned to my body. I woke up to here Jaz scream. I ran to the infirmary to see Carter's body bloody and bruised. Sadie and the other inmates ran to the room and gasped. Sadie sobbed at his side and Jaz started to heal him until only a scar on his arm remained. "What happened to him?" Walt asked. "There was nothing wrong with him I put a cloth on his head. I closed my eyes and when I opened them he started to get scratches and bruises! I don't know what happened." Jaz said. "I do" I said. Sadie looked at me with worrisome eyes. "What happened?" she asked "he was attacked in duat. His soul was not hurt but his body was. What happened to his body there happened to his body here." I said. "I helped fight them off. If they cut his soul then they would have killed him." Sadie said "We need to go and find the rest of the items. The sooner the better. I'll take Walt and Zia. Walt/Anubis will be the god. We will go to Lord Orsis's realm in twenty minutes.Bast you're in charge when we're gone.Walt,Zia, pack your bags and meet me at the roof in 15 minutes. " I went to my room to pack my bags. when I was done, I met Walt and Sadie at the roof I snagged some of the spinx's ear before we left. Then a portal opened and we jumped in it. We landed in Lord Orsis's layer and saw Julius and Ruby Kane. They were deep in conversation with worried faces. When the saw us their faces lit up. "Mum, dad, I missed you so much!" Sadie said as she threw her arms around her dad. "We missed you to. Where's Carter? I didn't see him in my lair so he isn't dead." Julius said. "Well that's the thing, we have three days to get the feather of truth and Sekhmet's sacred scroll or else Carter will die!" Sadie said. "How did this happen?"Ruby asked. Sadie and I took turns explaining what happened. "Well children we can only give you the feather of truth and these to help you and that's it. Other than that I'm afraid your on your own." He said. He waved his hand and three backpacks appeared in front of us. Sekhmet's scroll is in the smithsonian museum. Good luck children. With that we went into a portal to the first nome. We scared Amos to death when we hoped out of a portal in front of him. "Ahhgg!" he yelped.






We landed in front of Amos in the first nome. He yelped but once realized who we were he hugged us. "Amos, Carter is in a coma, Setne put him in a spell we have 2 and 1/2 days to save him!" I said "What!!???" Amos exclaimed. "Slow down Sadie. Slow down. What's this about Carter?" "Amos, Setne cast a spell on Carter. He has 2 and 1/2 days to save him or he will die. We have to go to the smithsonian museum to get Sekhmet's sacred scroll!". Amos looked and acted calm but but his eyes were filled with fear, anger, and grief. "Children, you can not stay here any longer for Carter's sake. I will summon a portal for you in 15 minutes. Then you can go to leave. Go and get ready.





I felt like the worst boyfriend to Sadie. She cried every time she talked about Carter and I just stood there like a lump of stone. I guess it was the shock. Well did have a surprising week I mean our luck can't get any worse. What's next Greek and Roman gods are real. I walked over to Sadie and hugged her. "We will save him. I promise." I said. She really did miss him. "I hope so." She said. We looked through our backpacks and saw a ticket to the smithsonian for each person. Amos created a portal and we found our selfs at the base of the Washington monument. We went to a hotel and found a room. We had two days find the scroll get to Brooklyn house and save Carter. Gods my life was a mess.

We woke up and went to the museum. After we got in we decided to wait until night time that way we didn't have to worry about other people. We pretended to look around and be interested. For what seemed like years we waited and went to the bathroom to hide until after the museum closed. When the museum closed we left the stalls and went to the Egyptian section. Sadie sat down a shabati dog which barked as soon as it got to the case. I summoned a pile of mummy linen and it quickly burnt by a fire pile of ashes Sadie grabbed the dog and put it in her bag. Zia wrote a fire glyph on her, Sadie, and my hand. We walked past the trap with out a scratch. Sadie put the dog down and it circled the case and then fell asleep. We went to the case and took the scroll Zia took a piece of spinx ear and created a portal to Brooklyn house. We were almost to late. Carter later told us that he had to tap into Horus's strength to stay alive long enough for Bast to say the spell. When we went into the infirmary Carter was I decided to go to sleep.

When I woke up I went to the infirmary to check on Carter before breakfast. He was awake and getting yelled at by Sadie and Zia.







My soul was still in the duat hospital. My life force was being zapped by every second that passed. I only managed to survive by Horus poping in the room when he heard that his host was dying and in a last effort to keep me alive until the spell worked. Right when I was about to die and meet dad again I heard Sadie calling my name. I felt myself slowly progressing from dying, to unconscious, to woke up to hear Sadie sobbing my name into my chest. "Carter. Come back I need you. I love you Carter." "I love you to Sadie" I whisper to her. "Carter" Sadie screamed. Then she punched me. "Hey!!" I whisper screamed. My throat was dry. Then Sadie yelled "CARTER KANE IF YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!! Ughh I'm just glad that your ok.". Then Zia came over. Her eyes were red from crying. She came over and punched me to. "Hey what did I do?" I whisper yelled. Jaz heard me whisper yell and and got me water. I drank it up and then spoke. "What is wrong with you two. I can't help that i fell into a coma. I don't even know what happened!" I yelled. Walt walked in and explained everything that happened. I groaned. I wanted to go back in a coma. Walt Zia Sadie bast and Jaz knew my secret name. This was not going to be good.

1 month of recovery

I used my staff to walk downstairs to eat dinner and everyone surrounded me. "Woah woah woah. What's going on?" I asked. "Jaz wouldn't let anyone visit you it's been 5 weeks since anyone besides Sadie, Jaz, Zia, Walt, Bast, or Amos has seen you." Felix said. That's when I realized. It was 5 weeks since anyone saw me. Jaz wouldn't let me leave the infirmary until I could walk around the room with my staff with out passing out. After dinner and tons of questions I went to bed. I had a ba dream that showed me a single glyph on the hand of one person. Percy Jackson. Sadie met his girlfriend Annabeth. I woke with a start and realized what had to be done. I had to combine the Greeks, Romans, and the Egyptians.

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