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Hullo. Sadie Kane here .Let me tell you, I was not very happy when Carter told us to run to the patio. I was in the middle of dying my hair blue. So I run downstairs with all of Brooklyn house running behind me with my hair half pink half blue. I had my staff and wand ready. What I saw made me want to run to Walt ( is it Walt or Anubis I still don't know ) and hide behind him, but me being the stubborn girl I am just looked for someone to yell at so I blamed Carter."CARTER!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF RA ARE ALL OF THOSE BLOODY DEMONS DOING HERE!!" The surprised look on his face was priceless. I wish I had it on camera. Any-who I run down stairs to see Carter with the crook and flail in hand. Then Carter said" No time to explain, we are being attacked by every demon and monster we ever faced so all I have for advice is remember your training and don't get killed. Now Brooklyn house attack!!"and with that he turned around and charged at the demons.







What was I thinking. Just running out there screaming attack. I quickly jumped into battle, summoned a combat avatar and then sliced a demon in half. I was doing pretty good until a demon with a corkscrew head jumped up and sliced a khopesh down my back.I screamed in pain. My avatar collapsed and I felt blood pouring out of my wound I saw Sadie blow up the demon in front of me with the Ha di spell and drag me out of battle . Then I passed out. As always my ba couldn't stay put. Even in a life or death situation I saw myself in the first nome and saw Zia and uncle Amos in Amos's private chambers I said hey to Amos forgetting that I was in a ba dream and that he couldn't hear me, but to my surprise he did! "Carter, what are you doing here?" he said. I explained what I was doing and watched as the color drained from their faces. When I finished explaining Amos stood up and said"Carter I'm sending reinforcements immediately. before I could protest I was swept away and was in the land of the dead. I was shocked to see my parents. "A- a -am I d-d-dead?!?!" I stuttered. Dad laughed. "No Carter" dad said "You are close enough to death that I can talk to you... Setne is rising and he is creating others to raise an army. I couldn't believe it. I defeat Apophis and save the gods about a year ago and now I had to go on a wild ghost chase. I couldn't get a break. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away. "Goodbye Carter . We will see you soon.With that I saw my favorite ghost Uncle Vinnie "Ghaahhh!! How did they defeat my army?! I kept to the shadows trying not to be seen. suddenly Setne turned and said with an evil smile"Hello Carter Kane!! I have a message for you and your little Brooklyn House. Tell them that I will bring an even bigger army to destroy you all. And there is nothing for you to do about it. He snapped his fingers and I saw a battle scene: bodies everywhere most of them I recognized I saw Jaz, Walt, Sadie, Zia, Amos,Alyssa, and almost everyone in Brooklyn house. All dead. I was glad when I woke up.






Gods I hope Carter is ok. The battle was over. Most of the inmates were unharmed. After I made sure Carter was taken care of In the infirmary, I ran into battle and took my anger out on the demons. Seeing Carter, the only family I had In the same state hurt and possibly dying put me over the edge. As soon as I got into battle I screamed in rage and a blast of air and demons disintegrated within the 30 yard radius. Everyone looked at me partially scared but I didn't care. I ran to the infirmary and held his hand. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up with tears streaming down my face Walt was in the infirmary. Jaz was looking after the the other minor wounds. Slowly but surely the whole 21st nome was at Carter's bedside I noticed Amos and Zia come to his side. It had been 8 hours Carter still wasn't awake. It was two in the morning and I began to cry thinking that he wouldn't wake up. Soon everyone left to go to bed and I was left with Zia, Amos, Jaz(so she could check on him every once and a while) ,Walt and I were in the room. Suddenly Carter stirred!







I woke up to see Sadie, Amos, Zia, and Jaz's worried faces huddled around me Sadie sobbed in relief "What happened?" I asked. Sadie said "Carter, you've been unconscious for nine hours. it's three in the morning." "What!! " I tried to turn around but cried out in pain and quickly have up. Sadie winced. (Awwww I didn't know you cared Sadie owwww don't pinch )"Zia, Amos how did you get here?" I asked "we opened a portal and fought the rest of the demons. no one was seriously hurt besides you. The recruits we brought left but we stayed to be with you. Carter, I thought you were going to die. I don't know how I would live with myself if you were dead!" Zia said with a shaken voice. "oh" I said. "What happened to the rest of the demons?" I asked. "Well after you passed out I kind of got mad and caused an explosion and killed them all.Amos and his crew took care of the rest." I nodded taking it all in. "Oh I forgot to tell you. I had a ba dream." I told them about talking to Amos and my conversation with dad I didn't tell them about Setne as I was still trying to figure out that part . They all looked scared. "Huh." Jaz said. "Well we'll let you get to sleep." With that everyone left. Soon I went into a dreamless sleep .




I walk into the 21st nome to see a war zone. There are a bunch of Demons in the road of Brooklyn , tons of sand on the patio, and Walt carrying an unconscious Carter out of the area .I was worried .What were we going against. When Carter said every demon and monster he went against he meant it. There must have been over a thousand demons total. I looked over at Amos to see his face twisted in rage. He was furious. He screamed a battle cry and charged. He cast random spells at the demons doing unbelievable things. Turning them into random animals, tasing them ha di ing them even saying a spell to make them fight against them selfs soon enough we were knee high in sand. Amos sent everyone back to the first nome to be cared for and we stayed back and said only one thing "Carter "

We rushed up to the infirmary and were stunned at the sight. Carter had the entire 21st nome at his side even. When we got to his side I gasped in shock. Carter had a gash from in between his shoulder blades to his hip. Everyone was asking Sadie about him and she explained. "Carter was fighting a demon as his avatar and a demon sliced his sword gown the combat avatar's back " everyone gasped"I moved him and defeated the demons. Walt carried him to the infirmary while I blasted the rest of the demons. "Sadie moaned. I felt bad for her. Her brother was unconscious on a bed bleeding.

It killed me seeing Carter like this. I think I like him







I woke up at 2 pm. I could turn and sit on my back but not for long. Zia and Amos stayed for a while but Amos left that night to go to the 1st nome. Zia however stayed to help repair the mansion and take over my classes. I was worried about Setne's warning. What did he mean. Sadie walked in and I decided to tell her. "Sadie." "Yes Carter?" Sadie asked worriedly. "I didn't finish Last night's ba dream. I saw something else." "What did you see?"Sadie asked. I sighed. "I saw Setne. He started an army of demons then I saw everyone d-d-d-dead on the ground Setne said this is what would happen if we fought his army!! " Sadie was as pale as a ghost. "What do we do Sadie?" Sadie sighed. "I don't know Carter. I don't know.but we need to tell the others."

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