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     Annyeoung, I'm Kim Seokjin I am a cat hybrid and go to phendernise university ( I'm sorry for the cringy and weird name of the school I couldn't find a good one ) and for my whole life I've been pushed away from seems what  is me, I've been taken away from my family I've been taken away my feelings I've been taken away my life. Ever since both my parents died dou to am I own reason least I don't know. Ever since that happend my life has been different I have been hiding everything my new "parents" are really abusive towards me and sometimes my father would even try to sexually assault me whenever I disbehaved  which I didn't i was afraid. When I arrived at this collage I was relieved on going on with my life but the one thing I don't like my friends use me  always have to help them it's always them them them  can't worry about myself I wish I could be the one that was in someone's arms feeling safe but sadly it can't be that way and it's hard for me to go to places some guys try to sexually assault me in parties in celebrations? I don't know what's going on in their small sick head of theirs. I snapped out of it and got my keys to my dorm. But decided that I wanted to look around for a little while trying to find the classes and maybe went to some yogurt shops or COFFE (lol) while I was walking around I saw one of  my friends she came up to me eagerly hugging me " hey, Seo-yun!" " Annyeoung Jinnie Oppa!" Seo-yun is my closest friend since middle school but I wish she new how I felt inside on the outside a happy glee hybrid but on the inside idk what I am. " Jinnie were you going of to?" She asked " u-umm well I was just looking around here and was thinking to Maybe go get some frozen yogurt or just some coffee." " COFFEE M COMING WITH YOU EITHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT" she says with a huge smile on her face yeah she really likes coffee. I told her she could come vecourse like why not? On the way their I came across some pack the leader of it pinned me against the wall. " hey kitty, what do you think your doing out here in the streets?" I looked aside me, Seo-yun was just backing away. I didn't answere him " I asked you  A QUESTION and your going to answere or I'll give you a punishment" he grinned while his memebers? We're just laughing. He then leaned into me real close and started to suck on my neck leaving dark purple hickies. I pushed him away at first touch but then he just grabes my waist tightly and was about to give me a kiss I didn't know what to do I already felt the tears coming down my cheek, and then seeing Seo-yun just standing their watching I felt weak I was scared I thought coming here I would escape my parents everything that would happen but I gussed wrong. He then grabes my wrist and pulled me towards him dragging me to wherever he was going " LET GO OF ME KNOW!!PLEASE LET GO!!! SEO-YUN HELP ME PLEASE WHY ARENT YOU HELPING ME??!!!" She just looked at me shocked as if she couldn't move then thoughts were going through my head a a.m. I just going to get fucked know by a nasty ass hoe? Am I gonna be captured to be used as a doll??... this is why i hate my feminine body... then I heard someone talk " Min soyu let him go know " I turned around and then saw a dude he had purple hair and looked like he was apart of another group but I wasn't sure. " what? Who are you? His boyfriend?  Relax ima go take him to my house we're just gonna have a little of fun" he then smirked i started to tear up even more. " i warned you min-soyu I warned you you mast ass bitch" he then strted to beat him up they started fighting but he he was different he wouldn't get tired no madder how much they hurt him he would just fight back not feeling eny pain once he took down min-soyu he took down his pack. " hey, you ok? I'm namjoon leader of the bangtang pack, don't worry I won't hurt you" he smiled at me and stretched his hand out for me to take. I couldn't help to blush at his kind action wait, I'm blushing no it's its probably just something else I thought he picked me up and i told him thanks " no problem , what are you doing out here thou? This path is really dangerous for cute cats like you" I couldn't stop staring at his eyes they were blue like the sea but then I snapped out of it and told him I was just going to the coffee shop with my friend he looked at me but no one was their with me" which friend? I don't see you with enyone" " oh she's over their " I pointed at know smiling Seo-yun. He shot her the death stare like one that could ill you their and know " why didn't she try helping you? If she's your friend she should've gotten help for you " He caressed my cheek, I'm sure by know I was like a bright cherry red " u-u-ummm she she just was shocked she couldnt process things fast enough" I looked down " well if this ever happens again I'll be around k" he lifted my head to look at him and gave me a smile with cute dimples. He then walked of to who nows were I just stared at him as he walked. Seo-yun came running to me " Hey I'm SO SORRY I couldn't help I just idk I just froze, and who was that?" She have a me huge evil grin " idk he he just came out of no ware" she then grabes my shoulders and looked at me straight into my eyes and said " you like him?" I just stared at her not knowing what to say "W-what? Why you say that? I don't like him Seo-yun sometimes I question what's going inside your head" we both started laughing and walked together to the Coffee shop pretending to forget what happens when j couldn't. I was about to get raped I couldn't get that of of the back of my head. I was scared really scared inside but couldn't show it by then there was something small a small piece of hope " J-HHOOOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEE ok I'll stop lol) that hope was namjoon. I was emagining me in his arms feeling safe for once, wait why am I thinking of him? This is weird I i feel weird. While Seo-yun wasn't talking I stood up and ran to the restroom I felt sick to my stomach. I started crying my stomach hurt a lot. When I came out she looked worried " JINNIE!!! YOU OK???WERE TALING YOU TO YOUR DORM RIGHT KNOW " she put her arm around me helping me walk when I could walk perfectly fine. " thanks yunny"


Hey it's me!!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter I'm not that good with ff idk why do if they turned out bad DONT BLAME ME!!! Lol and by he way I'm married to JIN but I still like shiping him namjin lol BUT I LOOOVVVEEE MYYY HUSBAND LOL (he belongs to all of us don't take his personally )

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