What Now

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'Connor left o2l, moved houses, and we've been dating for 6 months now. I have no regrets about not going for Joey, although to this day I still see the face he made when me and Connor kissed. I guess there's nothing I can really do about that. I haven't idea where Connors going next but for now, we make every minute count.'

"Babe will you hurry up I've been waiting for an hour."

"I have to look good chill," I say.

"You already look good, you always do," Connor says.

"Oh please you're just supposed to say that it's in the dating contract."

"Contract? Do I need a lawyer," asks Connor jokingly.

"Very cute," I say as I walk out the bathroom, and as Connor stares.

"Hey what do you say after this dinner we have some fun," he says while pulling me in for a kiss.

"Haha okay okay were running late let's go."

"Fine but I want dessert," Connor says.

"We're going to a burger joint...," I say

Connor then winks at me then we are on our way to In & Out because that's our idea of a fancy date.

"You know when I'm back living with my family I'm gonna miss these burgers," Connor says while shoving the burger in his mouth.

"So you've decided? You're moving back," I say shocked yet sad at the same time.

"Yeah I think it's best," he says.

"But what about.. you and me," I ask quietly.

"Well I'm not saying you have to but..," he says while dropping two plane tickets on the table.

"Seriously? You want me to go with you?"

"If you're up for it I know there's a lot going on back there but.. you can finally meet my parents and maybe since we're closer we can take a trip down to Boston to see yours," Connor says while biting his lip.

"When's the flight," I ask

"Tomorrow," he says quietly

"Tomorrow? How are you going to get everything packed by tomorrow? How am I going to get everything packed by tomorrow?"

"I've packed mostly everything I got them yesterday it was the soonest flight out there and goddamnit will you please go with me."

I sit there and think about everything that id be leaving I've been in LA for 7 months and now I'll have to drop all of it, but isn't that what love is for, being there for them when they need you.

"I will," I say.

Connors face glows with existent and it makes me so happy that I have the power to make someone that happy.

"But only if we can go back to my place tonight," I say with a smile.

"Sounds amazing to me," he says with a smirk.

"Good because I really need the help with packing and shit, thanks babe," I say as a get up to go throw out garbage,"Now let's go I don't want to be up too late.

"Very funny," Connor says while giggling.

"What was," I ask with a mysterious look on my face.

"You're cute you know that," he says while looking I to my eyes that gave the feeling of warmth and love.

"I know," I say while wrapping my arm around his waste. I don't know why I got so lucky, but I'm glad I did.

•I'm going to leave this story here mostly because I want to leave this story as a love story and not a "my boyfriend is gay" type of thing so yea i hope you liked it :)•

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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Truth or Dare? A Joey Graceffa & Connor Franta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now