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Y/N snapped back to reality and jumped away from the man, covering her mouth with her hand. Ji-Hyo quirked a brow at the man as Y/N scurried behind her.

The man put his mask back on and licked his lips in annoyance. He and Ji-Hyo had a glaring contest. "How annoying." he thought, squinting his eyes at the arm-crossed woman.

"Y/N, who is this man?" She ordered.

Y/N flinched but managed to utter out, "I-I don't know..."

Ji-Hyo's stare never broke from his, "Sir, what you did was highly unacceptable. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Now."

He clicked his tongue but sassily snatched his caramel macchiato off the table and walked around her, never once breaking the intense stare. "I'll be back no matter what you say."

The man left the cafe and out of sight, pulling his mask down and wrapped his pierced lip around the straw to his macchiato. 

"I have her just where I want her. " He thought. "This will be fun, very fun."

= = = =

After the two girls watched him leave, Y/N let out a huge sigh of relief she didn't even realize she was holding in. "Was that who I think it was? "

Y/N yelped as she was dragged to the kitchen by Ji-Hyo. "Who the hell was he?"

"Who the hell was who?" Sana asked, earning a hand being held up signaling her to quiet. Sana put her hands up in sarcastic surrender and went back to cooking.

Y/N sighed, "I-I don't know! But he escaped recently, and I'm not sure if that was him but--I don't know!!"

Ji-Hyo sympathetically nodded at her friend's stressed state. "Take as long as you need to shrug the stress off, Y/N. Come back when you're ready, got it? Get better, and make sure to keep me updated on your well-being." 

Y/N's shoulder slumped at the obvious disappointment in Ji-Hyo's tone, but glanced up at two surprised girls looking at her; Dahyun was leaning back in her seat, peeking out from the door with her glasses held down on her nose. Sana held a cooked egg on her spatula and looked at her friend with an astonished expression. The egg slowly slid off and hit the bell that calls the waitresses to pick up the food, making Rose peek over in confusion. (Remind you of something? Hint: Princess and The Frog)

Y/N snorted and turned on her heel, waving at them, and walked out. She stepped over to her locker that held her belongings and picked them up; putting on her coat and grabbing her purse. The woman distracted by her own thoughts slowly trod home, not noticing the haste footsteps scattering around her apartment, trying to organize and clean things before she walked through the door. They peeked out the window in order and rested their heads on their chins with grins on their faces.

Y/N took out her keys as she approached the door but stopped and looked at the window, seeing three teenage boys watching her with grins. Y/N acted overly surprised with widened eyes, an open mouth, and a hand on her chest. They laughed and got up to open the door for their older sister and greet her.

Y/N patiently waited after they disappeared and unlocked the door.  When they opened the door, she spread out her arms, wanting a hug from them three. But only one of the three came into. Y/N gasped with betrayal at (1), who playfully rolled his eyes, and gratefully hugged the one who hugged her. 

"Welcome home." He mumbled next to her ear. The other two eventually came over and softly hugged her, earning a slap on the shoulder and groans of "why did you do that to me".

"You guys didn't come and hug me! So don't get mad at me!" She scoffed at them. 

Like what every mother would do, she started to coo about how grown up they've gotten. "You guys aren't the babies you once were," and grabbed each of their faces and planted several kisses, making them whine and complain. Y/N snickered to herself and let go. Pinching one of their chubby butts when they turned around. 

"Ow!" the victim said, glaring at her and rubbing their bottom. She shooed him off and grinned happily. The older sister's eyes slightly watered at the sight of her younger siblings all grown up. They were all growing so fast. 

She looked around and quickly went inside, closing and locking the door behind her. Today was going to be a long day.

= = = =

T i m e   s k i p   t o   n i g h t

B r o u g h t   t o   y o u   b y   J u n g k o o k ' s   a b s

= = = = 

Y/N lie in bed, staring at the cieling. Doing the exact same thing she did all those years ago when Jungkook was found at her window for a split second. Y/N's heart leaped at the sound of thunder and raindrops tapping against the windows. It was deja vu all over again. Y/N sat up with her eyes closed, trying to calm her breathing.

"He has to be there, I just know it. I sense it." She thought, opening her eyes and looked straight out the window. And she was right.

There stood the man from the cafe. The one who ordered the caramel macchiato.

Y/N took a deep breath and stood from her bed, walking over to the window. "I'm not afraid of you anymore." she mouthed to him. His eyes never left hers even as she reached both hands to either side of the curtain to close it.

Y/N stared longingly at him, internally cursing herself for hesitating in a moment like this. But she sternly told herself aloud, "I am not afraid of you,"

"Jeon Jungkook."

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