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Imma just-

"What?" Jungkook choked out, breathing heavily and wiping his running nose. His blood-shot eyes and tears stained his flushed cheeks.

Y/N let out a tearful laugh, holding his face lovingly. "I am willing to try. We can start all over, Kook. We can make things right this time."

And never in Jungkook's twenty-two years of life had he ever felt so happy. He felt even happier than discovering his Senpai and their night together combined. He was ecstatic. 

He rose from his feet, holding her hands, and held them from his face with a look of bewilderment. "You mean it?" She nodded and broke out into a large grin.

And with that, Jungkook broke down into tears once more.

= = = =

But behind the cheers of joy and laughter emitting from the kitchen, the three younger siblings only felt fear and panic. They couldn't just let their sister go into the arms of a man who killed innocent lives. What was Y/N thinking?

Well, she knew how much of a changed man Jungkook turned out to be. One looks into his eyes and she sees a man who is certainly guilty of his unforgivable actions. But to her his mistakes were forgiving. To another set of eyes, they only see insanity from both persons. 

Those other sets of eyes multiplied by three only saw an elder sister they did not recognize. One of Y/N's younger brothers grit his teeth in anger and fisted his hands tightly. "I will not just stand by and watch her throw away her life like this. I just can't."

The other two glanced at each other and hesitantly nodded in agreement. They were identical brothers, but they each had different thought processes and personalities.

"I refuse!" The fuming sibling stepped out from behind the wall and into the hallway, glaring straight at the previously masked killer. "I will not just let you take her from us and manipulate her into thinking you're innocent." His sister tried to explain but he stopped her harshly, stalking angrily towards her "lover" and jabbing his finger roughly into his chest. It hurt when the boy did it, but Jungkook remained unphased.

"You're a lunatic. A psychotic, selfish, unforgivable, lying, killer!" He was breathing heavily, his glare never leaving Jungkook's cold eyes. Jungkook no longer had a large smile on his face, and tears weren't shed anymore. He remained stoic and tense and listened to Y/N's brother's thoughts. "I will not let you take her from us and do who-knows-what with her!"

Y/N's face slightly flushed as she tried to calm her younger brother by grabbing his arm, but he ferociously shrugged her off, making Jungkook's eyes squint in slight annoyance. The boy had every right to be angry and protective, but he was still immature and knew hardly anything to be making such a scene. Nonetheless, he was young and he was only protecting his older sister, and Jungkook admired that.

Tears welled up into the young boy's eyes as he managed to gasp out, "You don't know how much pain she went through because of you."

And that was enough to make Jungkook fall to his knees with his head resting down on his hands in a begging stance. Deep, trembling breaths caused his shoulders to shake in deep remorse. "I understand that. I know. I've seen what I've done to her. And I am so sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was insane. I was inhuman. I found unreasonable pleasure in torturing others. And it was all for my own selfish desires."

The teenage boy watched him, astonished, and his view on the criminal gradually started to change. The corner of Y/N's lips slightly curved up, noticing the change of expression of her younger brother's expression. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close to her side, smiling at him softly. He finally sees Jungkook through my eyes.

Her brother looked down at the begging and sobbing man before growling and stormed out of the house, throwing his sister's arms off of him. Y/N watched him go sadly, kneeling down and helping Jungkook up. Y/N's heart cracked at the sight of a broken and emotionless Jungkook staring at nothing particular. She turned his head towards her and gave him a reassuring smile. But he didn't smile back.

The other two brothers hesitantly walked out from their hiding spot. One of them broke down in tears and ran into his older sister's arms, while the other nervously walked up in front of Jungkook, catching his attention. "He..." he paused, twiddling with his fingers and glancing up at the intimidating man. "He didn't mean those words, I'm sure. He'll lighten up to you, and based on his expression before he stormed out only proved that he forgives you--partially." The boy winced, realizing how unreassuring his words turned out to be.

Jungkook gave him a half-forced smile at the young boy's efforts and gave him a pat on the head. "Thanks, Sport."

The other brother only hugged his sister tighter before turning to Jungkook and bowing at him with his teary eyes, "YOU HAVE MY RESPECT AND HONOR!" The other one looked at him and bowed as well, sharing the same respect and words of his brother. Y/N's heart warmed at the sight of her brothers forgiving Jungkook. And Jungkook even genuinely smiled at them and brought the three of them into a hug. 

"I'm sure once (1), comes back he'll apologize and forgive you." Y/N caressed Jungkook's cheek as they hugged the two boys between them. Jungkook smiled gratefully at her and her small family and gently planted a long kiss onto her head, holding his small family in his arms.

"I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you all safe and earn your forgiveness and respect each passing day."

= = = =

The reason I put (1), and (2), and (3) is because it would really confuse me to add more characters to this story. I remember one time I read this Jungkook fanfiction and it had its own characters and I came back to read it a week later and had no idea who the author was talking about. And so I thought it would be easy to just leave Y/N's brothers with no names and instead with numbers, I suppose. I just wanted to cover up some confusion :) Hopefully that helps!

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