Prologue (I hope this is what its called lol)

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" What?! Newt, you got EXPELLED?! " the small Y/H/C haired girl, Y/N, exclaimed. Newt winced, slightly shocked at her outburst. " Y-Yes, I took the blame for Leta " he stuttered. " I'm going to kill that little- " she muttered, stopping mid-sentence and frowned. " I'm really sorry I have to leave you " he whispered, but she heard it. " I'll miss you so much, you know that? " she said quietly. " I'm going to miss you so much more " he choked out.

They ended up battling for a bit about who was going to miss each other more, until their eyes were welling up with tears. She hugged him tightly, and buried her hands in his wonderfully soft, curly brown hair, inhaling his scent of forest trees. Tears dropped down her face, dampening her cheeks and falling with faint plinkety-plonks onto the cold, dusty floor. Newt didn't want to let go, as they stood there hugging outside the Headmaster's office.

" I-I'll be leaving on the Hogwarts train tomorrow " Newt broke the silence, sniffling. " You're such an idiot. I'll be there to wave you off " she said. " Thank you. You're the bestest friend I could ask for " he smiled, despite the depressing moment. " Well, we'd better get to sleep. Meet me in front of the Slytherin common room before you have to go, and we can walk together " Y/N wiped away the tears from her face with the sleeves of her Slytherin robes. She nodded once, before walking briskly away. She didn't like feeling vulnerable at all. It made her feel weak.

Newt watched, standing rigidly still, at her departing figure, before she turned a corner, and disappeared. He slowly turned around, and headed towards the Hufflepuff common room.

The next morning, he raced down the stairs of his dormitory and hurriedly wrapped his scarf around his neck while running. Out of breath, he reached the Slytherin common room to see Y/N there, in her Slytherin robes as usual, looking down at the floor. She looked up. " Hi " she said. " Hello " he blushed. " Let's go " she said, holding out her hand to him. Newt took it and blushed even brighter. Her hand was warm. It was comforting, and nice.

Together, they walked down the empty corridor; everyone was at the Great Hall having breakfast. Every footstep they placed echoed, magnifying the sound. They reached the Hogwarts Express, steam belching out from its chimney. " We'll see each other again. I just know it " she smiled and pulled out her hand to shake. He took it, and grinned back, before his eyes welled up with tears. " Someday " he whispered. " I guess it's goodbye, for now " the girl said. Newt nodded, keeping quiet in an attempt to keep from bursting into tears, but as soon as she hugged him tightly, tears poured out of his eyes like a waterfall.

" Promise to write to me? " she smiled. " Always " he smiled back. As he stared at her face, the only Slytherin who was nice to him, the only Slytherin who didn't bully him, the only girl he would die for. Other than Leta, of course. He reluctantly pulled away as the train let out a 'toot' to signal it was leaving very soon. Newt stepped on the train, and he walked in, seating himself in a compartment, gazing through the window at her. As the train started to leave, an anguished sob came out of his throat, as it brought him further and further away from her, for who knows how long.

The girl waved, the wind whipping around her hair and messing it up, and flapping her robes around. He waved back, not stopping until he couldn't see her anymore, before sitting back down on the plaid cushioned chair, burying his face in his hands, and he stayed like that the whole way on the train. He felt like he was missing a huge part of himself.

Author's note!!!
Hiiii, if anyone reads this, thanks so much because I don't expect anyone to have read this lol. Also, is anyone gonna read this? Word count : 685 words

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