After all these years

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Y/N smiled to herself as she thought of Newt while stroking her pet cats, and wondering where he was now. Everyday she thought of him, and missed him. She had moved from England to America, after finishing school, and fulfilled her passion of taking care of muggle animals by becoming a vet.

She lived in a quiet flat with her two cats, and rarely had visitors over. Her apartment didn't allow pets, but she didn't care. She looked up, and her cats jumped off her lap. She had forgotten to close her door. As soon as she was about to get up, a small black creature ran into her flat. A niffler? She hadn't seen one of those since Newt had kept one in his dormitory.

Suddenly, a tall man with a dark blue coat and messy brown hair rushed into her place. " I-I'm terribly sorry, but my nif- uh, m-my hedgehog, yes! Ran into here and I must get him back! " he exclaimed without looking at her, hurriedly bending down and crawling under her table. " N-Newt? " she whispered, unsure if it was him. He looked up, and his eyes widened with recognition and shock. " I-Is it you? " he said.

He got up from all fours and ran over to her, hugging her so tightly and feeling more ecstatic than ever before. He had never forgotten her, not ever. " Hey! We gotta find that niffler of yours " she called out with a grin. " Oh, yes " he replied. They found the niffler trying to jump up and steal a gold bracelet from her table. Newt grabbed him, and turned him upside down, tickling the squirming thing. Multiple golden things dropped out from his pouch, and Newt shoved the niffler back into his case.

She smiled. " You've always wanted an extendable case " Y/N commented. " You remembered. After all these years " he said, with a huge grin. Newt felt quite silly grinning like that, but he was too happy to care. " We should catch up someday, but I'm sure you're quite busy right now " she said. " Oh, I'm not busy at all. Just going to visit a friend. Why don't we go now, if you're not busy? " he asked. " Oh, sure " Y/N grinned, " I know a good friend nearby who has the most amazing pastries ".

The man who sold the pastries turned out to be Jacob, the muggle Newt had met, and the muggle who had to be obliviated. They walked into his shop, and Jacob's eyes flashed when they saw Newt, as if he remembered him from somewhere. " Do... I know you, sir? " he asked Newt. " Uh.... no! We've never met before, and I don't know you at all " he stuttered. " Oh! Y/N, what can I do for you? " Jacob asked when his eyes found her.

" We'd like to buy some pastries " she smiled. " Oh, well choose anything you like for free! " he grinned. " Oh! No, not for free. I'll pay you the fair cost " she replied. " Anyways, what's your newest pastry? " Y/N asked. " Well, I have this one, filled with chocolate spread, or this one, with raspberry jam " Jacob pointed to a bread shaped like an Occamy. " Oh wow! It's an Occamy " Newt exclaimed. " A whatsit? " Jacob look confused.

" What he means is, you should call it an Occamy " she quickly butted in. " Oh, that's a nice name. Newt, you're a creative one, aren't you? " Jacob grinned. Newt blushed. " Anyways, I'll take the chocolate one, and Newt? "Y/N asked, turning to him. " I'll take the same " he said.

~Timeskip to when they come back to her flat because I'm too lazy to write it all~

They sat down onto Y/N's brown couch, and she got up to boil a kettle of water. " Tea? " she asked. " Yes, please " Newt replied. " You brits " she chuckled with an affectionate smile. " English breakfast " she asked, more of a statement than a question. " You remembered " he chuckled. " Of course I did ".

Word count : 669

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