In his case

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They spent hours chatting about what they were doing, and catching up on what they've missed in each other's lives. Eventually, Newt got up. " I'm afraid I must go now. I've already stayed an hour longer than I intended, because I have to meet a friend, but if you'd like, you could come with me? " he asked hopefully. " If your friend doesn't mind " she replied.

" Actually, before we go, would you like to see some of my creatures? It's almost feeding time " he grinned. " Of course! " she exclaimed. " I'm sure Tina won't mind me being late a few hours " Newt muttered under his breath. He opened his case to reveal a staircase, winding down into darkness. He hopped into the suitcase and Y/N followed. As she was climbing down, she missed one of the steps and shut her eyes, preparing herself for the fall, only to feel arms wrap around her. She looked up, meeting Newt's eyes. " Thanks " she blushed, embarrassed. " I-It's okay " he stuttered, walking away.

" Would you mind bringing this bucket? " Newt handed her a bucket full of roughly chopped up meat. She took it and held it as far away from her as she could; the smell of raw meat disgusted her. They walked into a large sandy enclosure, and Newt roared loudly. Y/N jumped in shock, not expecting that sound.

Some animals came into sight; they looked similar to a Sabre toothed tiger, and they had slimy tentacles at their mouths. " Graphorns! " she exclaimed. " Yes, these two are the last breeding pair in the world. If I hadn't rescued them, that could have been the end of Graphorns " Newt replied. One of the Graphorns rested his head on Newt's shoulder. Y/N saw a little baby Graphorn, and reached down to stroke it. She patted it's head and Newt smiled, pleased. She hadn't changed a bit since the last time.

Newt still couldn't believe he had finally met her again. It was all because if his niffler, and he couldn't help but grin like an idiot. " Why are you grinning like that? " she chuckled. " I-It's just that.... I missed you so much " he replied with a smile. " I've missed you too " she replied.

After they finished feeding all the animals, they somehow ended up sitting on the grass watching the artificial sun set in his case. They were there for about half an hour, before Newt exclaimed, " WE FORGOT ABOUT TINA!!! ". " We can apparate there, right? " she asked. " Yes, take my arm " Newt said hurriedly as he held out his arm. She took it and then they apparated to a small block.

Word count : 443

Newt Scamander x Reader (On Pause; Put It In Your Library Peeps!)Where stories live. Discover now