i feel free

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Keisha: "you guys did good ok 106 and Park."

All: "thanks."

Keisha: "Victoria why didn't you lie about your arm? You sound weak now."

Victoria: "i'm sorry for telling the truth?"

Keisha: "you're lying for a reason. To stay safe.

Victoria: "got it."

everyone goes to bed.

The next day

Caitlyn wakes up and walks downstairs in sweats.

All: "morning sleepyhead."

Caitlyn: "shut up."

All: "sorry for saying good morning." Caitlyn sits on Prodigy's lap. Keisha walks into the room.

Keisha: "i got good news!"

Girls: "what news?"

Keisha: "you guys are going on tour!"

the girls jump up and down the boys get up and high five each other. "who with?"

keisha: "Justin bieber and jacob latimore."

Caitlyn: "whos jacob latimore."

Maddie: "only the hottest person on earth."

Princeton fakes a cough.

Keisha: "you ok?"

Prince: "yeah im fine."

Keisha: "ok."

Prodigy's phone rings. he walks into the other room and answers it

Prod: hello?

?!: Is this Craig?

Prod: yeah who's this?

principal: its the principal of Brookstone academy. we're wondering if you'd like to be in a play for the 5th year of you being famous.

Prod: sure what date

Principal: in 4 days i already sent the script to your house.

prod: ok thanks

prodigy walks up stairs and takes out his suitcase and starts filling it, and hides it. then walks back downstairs.

Caitlyn: "where were you?"

Prod: "had a phone call."

Caitlyn: "who was it?"

Prod: "nothing important."

Keisha: "guys i got other news too."

Girls: "ok what is it."

Keisha: "we're gonna homeschool you guys. You all attracted paparazzi to that school. maybe you can go to a different school once things go away."

Girls: "ok"


Roc: "no more basketball."

Keisha: "guys you can play on your own time."

Boys: "kay."

Keisha: "i have to bring Victoria to get her cast off any one coming?"

Diggy: "me!" diggy runs up to Victoria and picks her up and into the car they go.


Doc: " you ready?"

Vic: "yeah."

Doc: "you have to wear a brace tho."

Vic: "got it but can i still dance?"

Doc: "yeah you can do anything just don't try to hurt it again."

Vic: "got it."

the docter uses a tool to get the cast off.

Vic: "it feels better i feel free."

Doc: "i bet" he puts the brace on her wrist.

Vic: "thank you!"

Doc: "no problem" they walkout of there and into the van. Diggy keeps touching her hand that got broken.

Diggy: "you ok? you feel spacy."

Vic: "i'm fine im just thinking."

Diggy: "what about?"

Vic: "the tour."

Diggy: "oh just promise you won't meet any other boys."

Vic: "i promise."

the car pulls into the drive way they head inside. at 9 they all go to bed.

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