Part 2

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Towards The End Of Summer Break

Harry was in Diagon Ally picking up his things for school, but he decided to go to Magical Menagerie first to see if they had anything that could help his owl, Hedwig, who was feeling a bit ill.

As he stepped inside he was awestruck. He had been in that shop many times before, but even so, he was amazed every time. The creatures in that shop were absolutely beautiful and Harry loved seeing every animal that lined the walls.

Just then he saw two familiar faces walking towards the shop. Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco Malfoy, who is Harry's schoolmate and rival, were crossing the street to the store. Draco seemed to be trying to persuade his father of something, but Harry, of course, couldn't hear.

Harry began panicking, his heart racing and palms sweating. He really didn't need to deal with Malfoy drama right now. He was already stressed out because Hermione was making him study for his O.W.L.s. Harry thought this was crazy because the school year hadn't even started yet but she insisted.

He knew he had to do something quick. Without thinking he transformed himself into a tiny cat with marvelous emerald green eyes and medium length all black fur. Well all black except for the tiny dot of white on his forehead that loosely resembled his lightning bolt shaped scar, but only loosely.

He heard the ringing of the bell attached to the front door and in stepped the two Malfoy's. Draco started to look around as his father went up to the front desk and rang the little bell.

The lady at the front desk jumped slightly as the bell had startled her.

"How may I help you sir?" the lady asked Mr. Malfoy.

"Ah yes," Mr. Malfoy stated, "My son here is very... mentally ill and...emotionally confused. He thinks he's a... homosexual." He had whispered the last part but Harry still heard. This made many questions arise in his mind, all of which he was to busy listening to answer.

"Oh dear," the lady gasped in a harsh whisper, "I'm sorry you have to deal with that." Draco shot a deadly look at the lady that went unseen by everyone except Harry.

"We came to find him a companion of sorts to alleviate and hopefully exterminate the illness," Mr. Malfoy said.

"Of course," stated the lady, "Look around for whatever you like." Draco continued to look at all the animals. He look at owls, lizards, rats, and even some toads. He didn't seem interested until his eyes fell on Harry.

"What's his name?" Draco asked the lady, his head motioning towards Harry.

"I don't know. He came in the other day without a name," the lady stated, half lying. She truly didn't know the name of that cat, but that was only because she had never seen it before.

"How much?" Mr. Malfoy asked.

"About... seven Galleons and five Sickle," the lady said pulling a random amount out of thin air. Draco gave his father a pleading look.

Lucius gave in and said, "We'll take him." Draco squealed with excitement. He was finally going to have someone to talk to that wouldn't judge him.

Harry on the other hand could not be more terrified. How did I let myself be  bought by a Malfoy?  Harry internalized. He knew he did this to himself. He also knew he would have to go with the Malfoy's. If he were to turn back now they would surely kill him. Guess he'll be staying with the Malfoy's for a while.

(601 words)  

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