Part 5

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Later That Evening

Harry awoke to a knock on Draco's door. He lightly pawed at Draco's face to wake him up.

He sat up with a yawn and walked over to his door. He was greeted with an irritated looking Lucius.

"Hello father," Draco said coolly.

"Draco," Mr. Malfoy said sternly, "Are you feeling any less... ill."

"Oh yeah tons," Draco said sarcastically.

"Don't take that tone with me boy," Mr. Malfoy said getting angrier.

"Honestly father, do you think you can just get me a cat and make it all go away. I'm gay. Deal with it. I like guys and if y-"

Draco was cut off by a hand harshly coming down to meet his face. He fell to the floor.

"That is quite enough out of you," Mr. Malfoy said walking out of the room, "Oh and no dinner tonight."

Harry hissed and made to follow Mr. Malfoy but a hand held him back.

"Don't," Draco said, "He's not worth it."

Harry walked to curl in Draco's lap and listening to him talk.

"You know, I kinda miss Dobby. Whenever my father would do this Dobby would come to my room and bring me ice and food and let me vent. I felt bad that he thought he needed to punish himself for it but he was the only house elf brave enough to defy my father. He even gave me a little bell before he left so I could call him if i need him but I've been too afraid to."

Harry just tilted his head as if to ask where it was. Draco stood up and made for the piano. He played a simple eight note tune which made a drawer pop out. Draco reached inside and pulled out a little bell.

"I bet Dobby would like you," Draco said sitting back down.

Harry batted at the bell, making it ring.


"Hello Master Draco," Dobby said.

"Dobby!" Draco perked up.

Draco enveloped Dobby in a hug. He then started to explain everything that happened up to his father hitting him.

"I see," Dobby said looking at Harry.

"Ah yes this is Sage," Draco said picking Harry up.

"Mr. Potter?" Harry heard inside his head.

"Dobby?" Harry asked back.

"Why are you in animagus form and with Master Draco?"

"It's a long story," Harry said, "But I can assure you I have no intentions of hurting him. I actually intend to help."

Dobby nodded, "He's a very handsome cat."

"Yeah he is. Reminds me of him," Draco said.

Harry didn't know who Draco was talking about but decided not to question it now.

"I'll be right back," Dobby said cracking out of the room.

He came back with ice and food for all three of them.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do this," Draco said.

"It was no problem Master Draco," Dobby said.

They spent the rest of the night talking until Draco started to get tired.

"I'll let you get some sleep," Dobby said, "But I'll see you at Hogwarts in a few days."

"Yes. I can't wait to go back. Goodnight," Draco said.

Then Draco and Harry curled up on Draco's bed and fell asleep.

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