Part 7

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At The Station

"Alright Draco. I'll see you over holiday," Narcissa said.

"I was actually thinking of staying during Christmas," Draco spoke shyly.

"Oh okay dear," you could hear the sadness in her voice, "Just be sure to write."

"I will," Draco said boarding the Hogwarts Express.

He made his way to where he knew his friends would be.

"Hiya Malfoy," Blaize said with a purr.

"Not in the mood Zabini," Draco sighed.

"What do you have there?" Pansy asked invading his personal bubble.

"His name is Sage," Draco breathed out, "He's a gift from my father."

Only Blaize seemed to understand the true implications of that.

Draco leaned down and whispered in Harry's ear, "Go ahead and explore if you want."

Harry took that opportunity to walk off. He found a bathroom and transformed back into a human. He set off to where he knew Hermione and Ron would be.

"Hey guys," Harry said awkwardly.

"Harry!" they yelled in unison.

"Where have you been mate?" Ron asked.

"Dobby came and asked us to bring your things and said that you'd meet us on the train but he didn't say where you were. Sirius and Remus didn't even know," Hermione rambled.

"I was a little busy," Harry laughed nervously.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine," Harry reassured, "I just can't really talk about it right now."

"Why not? We're your mates." Ron asked.

"I know that and I would tell you it's just not my secret to tell," Harry said.


"Harry's write if it's someone else's secret we shouldn't pry," Hermione interrupted Ron.

"Fine," Ron huffed.

"Thanks Hermione."

They spent the rest of the trip in peaceful conversation, Harry starting to forget about Draco. That is until there is a knock on their carriage door.

"What?" Ron says.

"Don't be rude Ronald," Hermione says swatting him.

The door slides open and Draco pops his head in looking slightly frantic.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Ron spat.

"Have any of you seen a small black cat with a white patch on his forehead? He answers to the name Sage?" Draco asked ignoring Ron.

"Even if we had we wouldn't tell you," Ron said.

Harry looked at Draco who didn't even look mad about the retort.

"We'll keep an eye out for you," Harry said silencing Ron.

Draco eyed Harry, "Thank you"

"No problem Malfoy," Harry smiled.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked as soon as Draco left.


"That was Malfoy, Harry. The prat that has tortured us our entire time at Hogwarts," Ron said exasperated, "Why were you being so nice to him?"

"He was just looking for his cat. You were the only one being a prat in that situation Ron," Harry said.

Ron was taken aback.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go help find a missing cat," Harry said as he stomped out.

He really had never noticed just how cruel they were to each other. It shouldn't have to be that way.

He transformed himself back into a cat and went to search for Draco. He didn't make it more than five steps out the door before running directly into someone's feet.  He felt himself being picked up.

His eyes met Blaize's.

"Well hello there," Blaize said, "You know Malfoy's been going mad looking for you?"

Harry nodded and Blaize looked perplexed at the fact that a cat just answered his question.

"We better get you back before he tears apart the train."

As they walked back to where the Slytherin's were Harry decided to climb and perch on Blaize's shoulder. 

"You found him," Draco gasped when they came into view.

"You're welcome," Blaize said smugly.

Harry hopped from Blaize's shoulder into Draco's chest and Draco hugged him close.

"How was your little adventure," Draco asked petting Harry's head.

Harry just leaned into the touch.

"You should put Sage in our dorms until after the feast," Blaize suggested.

"You're right," Draco said as they stepped off the train.

Draco stepped off to the side and rung the little bell he had snuck into his pocket. Dobby appeared next to them.

"Yes Master Draco?"

"Do you think you could take Sage up to the dorms?" Draco asked the house elf.

"Of course Master Draco," Dobby replied.

"Okay Sage, I'll be at my dorm as soon as I can," Draco said handing Harry over to Dobby.

With a crack, Dobby apparated with Harry to the kitchens at Hogwarts.

"I figures that you don't wanna miss the feast Harry Potter," Dobby said putting the cat on the floor.

Harry transformed back and said, "Thank you Dobby," before heading to the great hall.

As he entered the great hall he saw that all the first years had already been sorted and the feast had started. He made eye contact with his friends at the Gryffindor table and started to make his way over. Last second he decided to turn around and move towards a different table.

"Hey Malfoy," Harry started as he approached the Slytherin table, "Did you find that cat of yours?"

"Yes I did," Draco replied cautiously.

"Good, I'm glad," Harry smiled.

"Uhh thank you," said Draco confused.

"Well I better get back to my table before my friends get worried. See you around Malfoy."

Harry didn't wait for a response as he turned and made way over to his friends.

"Harry were you just talking to Malfoy?" Hermione asked before he could even sit down.

"Yeah, why?"

"Harry whats up with you mate? Since when are you and Malfoy all buddy buddy?" Ron questioned through a mouthful of food.

"I just wanted to make sure he found his cat. Plus don't you think this rivalry stuff is kinda childish. I'm not saying we all need to be best friends. I just don't see a point in fighting when there are so many things that are more important," Harry replied.

"But Harry he's put us through a lot," Hermione spoke, "Especially Ron."

"Well maybe he's been through a lot," Harry yelled defensively.

"But mate-"

"No I can't do this. I'll say something I regret. I'll see you later," Harry said brushing off his friends.

He made his wait to the door of the great hall. Before he walked out he glanced at the Slytherin table.

Him and Draco made eye contact. Harry smiled and he got a grin in return.

Then Harry stormed out of the great hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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