Chapter 1 : Who Leaves a Vase There!?

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Haruhi and I stared up at our new school. Only a few words came to mind as we gazed at the overy large school; pink, expensive, shiny, and pink. Why the heck is the school even pink? Did the chairman think it would be a good idea to make his academy look like a little girl’s dream doll house?

I sighed, ran a hand through my reddish-brown, shaggy hair, and followed Haruhi into the building. The reason to why i'm even here is because Haruhi wanted to go to the pristine Ouran Academy and I just couldn't let my little sister go by herself. Dad and I had been super overprotective after mom’s death, which annoyed poor Haruhi to no end.

Thankfully, I was smart enough to get a scholarship into Ouran along with her, or else she would have had to fend of all the rich jerks off by herself.

I kept my gaze on Haruhi’s newly cut hair, trying to avoid the whispers about the two new guys-

Wait, two new guys? They thought she was a male? I mean sure, she was wearing some of my old clothes, and her hair did look like mine. You know what? I’m just going to see how long it takes for these idiots to realize Haruhi-chan is a girl. We went to the office, grabbed our schedules, and before headed to our separate classes (since I was a year older than her) I walked her to her class like the gentleman I was and walked to the second year classes.

I slipped into the class labeled 2-B and took a seat in the back left corner, near the window where I could see everyone but they would have to turn their heads to look at me.

The bell rang and in walked the teacher with his briefcase. He greeted the class before his gaze lands on me.

“And it seems we have a new student with us, come on up here and introduce yourself, don’t be shy.” he instructed as he turned around and started writing something on the chalkboard.

I slowly got up and went to the front of the class, not looking up as I could feel the stares on me.

“My name is Fujioka Mikato , and I’m here on a scholarship, along with my little brother Fujioka Haruhi. And um. . . I hope you take care of me..” I quickly bowed to the class and hurried to my seat with my hair covering my eyes.

The teacher started class despite the quiet whispers and soon the bell rang. I hurried through classes and met with Haruhi outside her class. Together, we walked to each library looking for a quiet place to study. Seriously, a library is supposed to be for silence, not partying!

“Maybe this one is empty? I heard that it was abandoned, so it should be perfect.” Haruhi told me and adjusted her glasses. We stood in front of a room labeled Music Room #3. She pushed the door open and instantly rose petals fell from above. I staggered back and choked a bit as one flew into my mouth. Eww it tasted flowery.

“Welcome!” multiple voices chorused while I tried to spit the stupid petal out. Good Lord! Don’t they care that I might choke to death?!

“Those with the wherewithal first in social standing, and second, in money spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm girls, who also have too much time on their hands. It is the school’s own personal, elegant playground for the super-rich.” A tall blond boy who sat in a chair narrated.

“H-host Club?!” Haruhi stuttered, clutching her book.

“Oh, It’s two boys.” two identical voices say as I catch my breath.

“Hikaru, Kaoru, these visitors are in the same class as you, right?” A guy with glasses asks them. Excuse me, do I look like a first year?

Haruhi looked at the boys, completely forgetting about me and the evil petal. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath before I analyzed them all.

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