Chapter 2 : Stop Running and Let Me Kill You!

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Haruhi and I hurried from our study time in the (surprisingly) quiet library towards the 3rd Music Room.

"They're going to hound us if we're late." Haruhi said as we ran through the halls.

We stopped at the door with 'Music Room #3' written on a plaque above said door. I opened the door and we froze at what we saw.

Palm trees and coconuts. Please tell me we're in the wrong room.. Tell me there is some 'Tropical Rangers' Club or something. Butterflies flew around and there were some iguanas casually climbing leafs. There was a toucan or two in here, is this even allowed?

Of course it is. Rich bastards..

"Where.. Is this?" Haruhi muttered.

Soon, we noticed the other members of the host club wearing.. special outfits. The only one wearing a shirt was surprisingly the pervert, Tamaki. All the others wore skirt like pants and necklaces, the twins holding large fans and Mori with a.. Pineapple?

"Welcome!" they all said, smiling their 'charming' smiles.

Oh mother, up in Heaven, why is it that fate had us join this club? Why did that vase have to break?

Haruhi seemed agitated, and the toucan that landed on her head only seemed to add to it.

"Oh, it's you, Haruhi and Mikato. You're late." Hikaru and Hitachiin chorused.

"According to our calendar, this is definitely still early April." Haruhi mused with the bird still resting on her head.

"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold would be nonsense!" Tamaki Suou said, spinning around with a small fan. "Why else we have this perfect heating and cooling system?"

Haruhi and I were kneeling by a plant with a magnifying glass.

"Do you two have some sort of criticism or our club's policies? Haruhi-kun, Mikato-kun, you owe us a debt of 8 million yen." Kyoya Ootori smirked, looking at his silver computer and reminded us of the smashed vase.

"Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilling early spring out in the world, but in our club, we welcome our chilling little kittens to a warm, south tropical aura! Yes! Today. this place is a supreme paradise, a hot, hot island or everlasting summer!" Tamaki ranted and hit multiple poses, ending with his arms around me and imouto.

"I, on the other hand, feel a chill in every sense of the word." Haruhi deadpanned.

The twins smirked, grabbed my arms, and dragged me off into the changing area. Oh no. The shoved a bag at me and closed the door. I heard a faint click of it being locked and sighed. I grumbled as I pulled out the outfit which consisted of long green skirt thing with a yellow cloth thing around the waist to tie. Along with this were a pair of sandals and fake gold armlets and short necklace with Balinese beads.

I sighed and took the designated uniform off, careful to fold them, and slipped on the clothes. I tied the cloth and pulled the necklace on. I attached the armlets on my upper arms and put my uniform in the bag, putting it in the corner.

Opening the door, I walked out towards I heard all the voices.

Those with the wherewithal, first in social standing, and second in money- spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy. As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls, who also have too much time on their hands. It is the school's own personal, elegant playground for the super-rich.

Of course, my imouto and I get stuck in the middle of it all.

"What Heartlessness! Even with lustrous skin, like ivory, and my outfit, like that of a Balinese king, all too fitting for me, I am no more than a slave before my goddess, kneeling, and swearing my loyalty." the Host Club king said as he held a girl close to his face.

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