the kingdom of nature

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Y/ns pov

We all decided to go to mingyus home. Being who he is, he will definately get a lot of questions from civilians. Once we arrived, the place, was a wasteland. No bit of nature anywhere. It almost looked like a dried up swamp.

"What happened here?..." i questioned looking at mingyu.

Its as if he didnt hear me. He was too busy looking at the state of his kingdom. If i have to be honest, i found out all of seventeen are princes but all from different kingdoms who are all allies. They all got turned by a vampire but mingyu was different. He was turned by the king of vampires and now is the king of his home. Well has been for years but never knew about it, hes still a prince until hes given the crown.

His eyes were not leaving the place before him, soons tarting to run towards the castle, leaving a trail of vines behind him. We all run after him shouting for him to stop. Once we reached him, we found out that the castle has been blocked off by poisonous plants.

"Whats happened to my home?..."

"Your highness? Is that you?" I turned to see a crowd looking at mingyu where a old looking woman spoke. Mingyu turned to look at the crowd. They all cheered when they saw his face.

"Hes here to save us!"

"We can start farming again!"

"Pray for his highnesses return!"

Mingyus eyes widen.

Mingyus pov

Why were they cheering for me? I left this place to control my powers. I havent even tried to control them. How can they put their faith in me?

I hear a noise from behind, i turn to look towards the castle seeing the poisoness plants moving. I look closely seeing the amount of flesh connected to the plants. People have been trying to break in but ended up dying. Why did i leave?

Y/ns pov

I hear heavy breathing coming from behind, i turn to see mingyu. I walk to him seeing his eyes are the same as before. Green and black... he cant use his powers yet!

"Mingyu stop, you need to stop, you havent controlled your powers yet!" I hear hossiping from the crowd.

"He hasnt controlled them yet?"

"How is he supposed to save us now?"

"We cant put our faith in him if his powers are uncontrollable."

"Y/n... im sorry... but i have to..."

"No you dont."

"IF I DONT SAVE MY KINGDOM THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT!" he looks at me. Slowly walking towards. "Listen... you need to seek shelter. Everyone does... ill be fine, i promise."

I nod slightly, telling everyone to seek shelter behind something. Doing so mingyu slowly steps metres away from the castle.

Stepping a few times his walk turns into a run heading straight for the poisoness plants. I put my head behind the thing i was taking shelter at until i heard an explosion. I instantly tear up at the sound thinking mingyu is gone. I peek over the barrier seeing the plants are gone. The kingdom was free. Everyone cheered while i ran to the entrance.

"Mingyu?! Where are you?!"

The rest of seventeen came running over.


I frown with tears falling. No sign of him anywhere.

"There!" I turn towards the castle entrance seeing a figure walking out of it. Once they step into the light i could see that it was mingyu. I ran towards him ending up into his grasp. I hold him close crying into his chest.

"You did it mingyu, you really did..."

I felt him smile. "Theres still someone i need to find.. accompany me..." he lets go heading back into the castle, everyone following while the citizens stay outside.

Once we get into the throne room i see someone sat where mingyu should be.

Mingyus pov

"Hello mingyu" my sister said. My eyes narrow.

"So you are the one who made this happen. Evil child. Your not even old enough to control the throne. Your heart is poison. You need to stop this."

"Oh my heart is poison?! Your a damn vampire. You left so i took the throne!"

"YOU CANT JUST TAKE IT MINYEON! Your too young... your not in control of your powers yet. And, you don't deserve to have the throne after what you did to our family. I know you killed our father." I slowly start walking towards her. "And i know you planned that attack on our mother. Dont think im not dumb."

"Then, why didnt you kill me?!"

I had reached her at this point. "Because... your the only birth family i have left... and i need you... more than you know minyeon... even if you killed our parents. I know you wanted the power to rule over this place. Taking it by force corrupts you into thinking no one can come near you. I understand what your feeling. I want to help you. Do you trust me enough to rule with me? I can guide you." I hold my hand out to her. I see her reach her hand out by instead, she slaps it away,standing upand charging up her power.

"Youll take every little bit of power from me, you wont rule with me because your just a fool!" She fires her power at me and i stand my ground against it, even if its ripping my flesh. "YOU MANIAC, WHY DID YOU EVEN BOTHER COMING BACK. I HAD EVERYTHING MY WAY! YOU JUST HAD TO COME A RUIN IT."

I slowly make my way too her, every step, her power gets stronger. With my eyes still the same as before, my vines stitch up every wound.

"You are uncontrollable min... your heart is broken. Dont you remember your childhood with me? You always loved playing with me. You dont need to go against me... please, come back... to me..." i pull her into my grasp where her power is at its strongest. My vines soon stop working from the pain. My grasp tightens. "I wont take everything from you. I would never do thatto do. If you loved me then youd trust me..." i soon feel her power stop. I try to keep my balance holding onto her.

"Mingyu... why do you care?..."

"Your my little sister... i love you more than you know... i left to control my powers. I now feel likeive achieved that being here with you... ill help and guide you to control your own..."

"Please... dont leave me... we can rule together..."

I look down remembering about seventeen and... y/n... i look at my sister. "Theres people i live with..."

"Rule with your sister mingyu..." i turn to see seventeen. It was s.coups who spoke. I tear up slightly.

"Mingyu?" I look down at minyeon. "Rule with me for a few months. Youll still be the king until you die... seventeen can come here on the 1st of May. That is when we will hold a festival. With your help, by then i will be in control... that day you can go back to your family... if you like. You can still come home whenever you like." I smile slightly. I hug minyeon closely while sending a power flowing across the ground, making the kingdom return to its original state.

Y/ns pov

We soon left mingyu with his sister after having a dinner with them. Mingyu had cooked it, man am i going to miss his cooking. Well, best make the most if it. When we all return home, we flopped on a couch, the floor or even a table. Being me i flopped on a beanbag that woozi brought for me. Because he said i was like a beanbag or something. I looked round the room foinding everyone already asleep. I smile and decided to go to sleep myself. And so, i did.

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