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Hey guys! So, here is chapter 2... Hope you like it! Pls Vote and Comment your suggestions
This is the start of tagalog speaking!!

Elize's POV

               Were now on airport, heading through the plane. I still remember the pain. The pain when I left there, The pain when I see him cry, and The pain that he caused to me.

My heart...... Its broken and I dont think that someone can fix it anymore.

"Elize?, are you fine? If you want we can reschedule this flight" my mom with her concerned face. I smiled.

"No mom, dont reschedule it, were here and I dont like wasting some time. And Im fine mom." I smiled even more larger. "Im really, really fine mom".

"You sure?" she said then she held my hand.

"Yeah" were now on the plane. I sat near the window. I just loved to see the view from outside its calm me.

I closed my eyes to remember everything that happened.

-Flashed back-

I walk away from him, I dont know how I do this. Before I never walk away from him, I always there by his side, always there for him.

I go to the restroom to fix my face that now so wet because of sweat and tears, my eyes is so red, and I really looked paled.

As I look at my reflection at the mirror, I remember the time were together, the time when were so sweet and nothing can broke us apart. But thats change when my new friend came.

I never thought, they can do that they have an affair while were still together. And I found it out. At first, its so hard to accept the truth that he broke me up for her, how funny. But when the time is passing by, I already accept it, but everytime I saw them, I realized that its not too easy. I maybe accept the truth, but I cant face the truth that the pain is killing me.

I put some powder on my face to hide my broken face. I breathe deeply and leave the restroom.

I walk to my friends table.

"Hey! Lets go! Its getting late" I said.

"Elize......" Nia said. They look sad.

"Oh come on! I'll visit you" I said then smiled.

"No, not that" Maeca said.

"I-i saw you two." Julia said. "Are you Ok?"

I sighed and sat down. "Actually, Im not ok. Im going to Philippines to forget, to move on. And if I stay here Im sure I will die."

They stand up and hug me. They are now crying too. "Dont forget about us, ha?"

I laughed. "Ofcourse!, I wont forget about my best friends" I hug them too.

"Lets go" they said with a bit bitterness.

They drove me back to home.

My 'GREATEST' LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon