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Austin was changing. Adam had made it his mission to see to that: With every smile, every word they exchanged, every fleeting touch, he took away a piece of the bleak coldness from within the younger man and sent it back to the depths of the sea or out into the endless skies. And gradually, the personality that had been buried beneath was beginning to emerge again. Austin was starting to come out of his shell, talking to people, spending time with the team. The lingering sadness and insecurities were falling away, being discarded one by one as he grew stronger than the thoughts that had haunted him before. Bit by bit, he was rediscovering his radiant smile, boundless excitement and energy. In fact, he was readily befriending the entire crew from the chefs in the kitchen to his former colleagues down in the engine room, enchanting everybody with his quick wit, easy manner and bright, free laughter. He was taking the spotlight in every single show he was singing, and he was shining brighter than anybody would have ever imagined before.

Adam was going through the days between Christmas and New Year like in a dream. Instead of work there were hours spent with the wind, the sea and the sun, long nights filled with the dance of snowflakes and a deep, all-encompassing silence, and in between, most cherished of all, an endless series of moments spent with Austin. Card games and eating together in the mess hall, singing along to songs on the radio, breaks spent on the deck with spiced wine, soft words and arms resting on each other's shoulders. The things that were said between the two of them were kept close to Adam's heart and put a lingering smile on his face whenever he thought about them.

("I am glad to have you. Ice and snowflakes, thoughts aligned to the rhythm of your own song, silent presence, strength, security."

"And you, golden sunlight, voice like the wind, flying sky-high, boundless energy, brightness and warmth."

"Please, never leave."


Finally, the last day of the year arrived. From the early hours of morning on, the ship was filled with bustling activity as preparations for the New Year's Eve celebration were being completed. Adam met a sleepy Chance in the mess hall when he went for breakfast at half past five.
"Morning, lovebird," Chance greeted him drily. Adam snorted.
"Don't think I'm not seeing the looks you guys give me and Austin. Let a man be happy, dang it!" But his laughter took the bite out of his words.
"Wouldn't dream of doing anything else."
Adam shook his head with an exasperated smile. "Y'all are such dorks."
"Says the man who hangs a necklace made from ice flowers around his boyfriend's neck," Chance retorted. Adam blushed. "I – we aren't –" He turned to the door as Tim entered.
"Aww, Chance, what did you say to get him this flustered?"
"Nothing," Chance replied with an angelic expression. "Ugh, you are both terrible," Adam groaned. "And you're adorable," Tim returned. He gave Adam a brief hug. "You know, me and Rob and Chance are really happy for you."
"Thanks. You're still terrible, though."
"Shut your mouth and go be happy."

So that's what Adam did. He spent his day helping Rob and Austin redecorate the stage and get rid of all the gold and glitter. It got replaced by fake snowflakes and shining blue and silver, turning the atmosphere in the room all wintery despite the warm inside temperature. Any time Adam saw Austin carry a blue piece of decoration, he made it a point to steal it from him with a smirk, reiterating what he had told the other man on Christmas Day: "Blue ain't your colour. It's mine."
Every time, Austin would break into a fit of uncontrollable laughter and Rob soon gave up trying to figure out what was the joke. They had a good time. 

As the evening approached and the cloudy sky outside the broad windows turned dark the restaurant slowly began to fill with people. Dinner was a cheerful affair. The guests were in a festive mood, anticipation filled the air and soon, the music got turned up. They started the show early, clearing the area before the stage to create a dance floor. There was plenty of champagne and celebration as, once more, all five of them went on stage together and delivered the latest hits in stunning five-part harmony. As midnight was approaching, Tim claimed the microphone and addressed the crowd. 

"The year is almost over, and I hope y'all are having a good time with us!" The crowd started cheering. "So, for this last song, I want to invite y'all to get on the dance floor one last time before we go outside to welcome 1957! Go crazy!" He threw Adam a meaningful look. Adam turned his back on him and offered Austin his hand in the manner of a perfect gentleman. "May I ask for this dance?" he asked with a slight bow and a broad smile on his face. "You may," Austin laughed and took his hand. Somewhere behind him, he heard Rob whistle as he stepped down from the stage and onto the dance floor. He didn't mind. This was amazing.

Blue ain't your colour (It is mine)Where stories live. Discover now