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It was ten minutes to midnight and the guests were starting to clear out of the room in order to go outside for the fireworks when the first mate entered the room with a message from the captain. "There's a severe weather warning incoming, we're expecting to run into a storm within the next twenty minutes. Off-duty staff and passengers are advised to stay in their quarters." 

Rob groaned. "Of course, on New Year's Eve. Things were going too well."
But Adam silently shook his head to himself. "Stay inside tonight? Like hell!" he whispered to Austin and dragged him off toward the kitchens. "Don't do anything stupid, Adam, or so help me!" he heard Chance shout after him, but he didn't mind his friend. He had a plan.
"What are you doing?" Austin panted, trying to keep up with him. Adam gave him a grin. "I plan to find out what exactly I can do with this ­–," he flicked his hand and sent a soft touch of cold air toward the other's face, still flushed from their dancing.
"Then why are we in the kitchens?"
Adam's grin broadened. "Remember the first evening we spent together? Turns out, alcohol gives my powers a boost. I only found out that night."
"So now – Adam, no!" Austin scolded as he saw Adam grab a bottle of rum from the pantry. "Oh, but I reckon I will need a hell of a lot of power for an entire storm," Adam smirked. "Let's get up on deck!" Austin sighed and ran after him.

Outside, the wind was coming in strong gusts, almost sweeping them off their feet as they struggled up the stairs, holding onto the railing made slippery by icy rain. The waves were growing taller, rocking the entire ship. Freezing cold drops of salt water hit their faces. It was hard to see anything in the darkness. Finally, they reached Adam's usual spot. The decks were deserted and the roar of wind and sea carried away the protest on Austin's lips upon seeing his friend down the bottle in one go. He bent close to Adams ear and screamed "You're absolutely insane, do you know that?"
Adam smiled, looking strangely at peace in the midst of this battle of the elements. He carefully tucked the empty bottle into the inside pocket of his jacket and then turned towards the sea, lifting both hands and closing his eyes.

This. This was where he was meant to be. Adam could feel everything around him with astounding clarity: the streams of warm and cold air rushing around him, rising up to the sky and crashing down into the icy surface of the ocean, the snow and sleet swirling in clouds above his head and the presence of Austin like a single golden point of warmth next to him in the center of the turmoil. He could sense the flow of clear, cold power in his veins, collecting at the tip of his fingers, tingling in anticipation. He held his breath and kept it there, just for a few seconds. In this moment, the entire world belonged to him. Then, slowly releasing the air he had been holding, he began to rearrange his surroundings in a way he liked better.

One by one, the gusts of wind fell silent. The waves began to even out, becoming sluggish as the water started to freeze. The clouds started dispersing, sending ice and snow in soft swirls down around the ship. Where it hit the water, chunks of ice started forming and racing along the crests of the waves in glittering trails. Finally, the entire ocean around them had stilled. It was covered by sheets of ice, the occasional frozen wave creating a gentle rise in the endless, white landscape that had formed. Adam let his right hand sink down and opened his eyes. "There we are," he chuckled quietly. "The captain should work on his weather predictions. I see no storm. We are stuck in ice, that's what we are!"
He surveyed his work and nodded with satisfaction. "And there's absolutely no need to remain indoors any more on this beautiful New Year's Eve." Austin shook his head in amazement. "You're really something else." He gave Adam a warm smile.
Slowly, the crew and passengers were emerging onto the lower decks, looking around in wonder. But Adam wasn't done yet. He his left hand was still lifted toward the sky as he turned around and looked at Austin. His eyes were filled with deep joy and affection. "Did I ever tell you how much you light up my world?" he whispered. Austin's face grew soft. "Only about a million times. I love you, you dork."
Adam smiled. "And I love you. You deserve the world. Let me paint it a bit brighter for you." He stepped towards Austin, parting the clouds with a flick of his hand to reveal the full moon. The world around them turned ice blue as the pale light fell onto the frozen ocean and the glittering snowflakes all around them. He wrapped his arms around the younger man, putting their foreheads together. Once more, they became the center of their own, perfect universe.

("Adam, are you making the snow curl around us?"


"Stop it, people will notice."

He started laughing, blissfully, uncontrollably. "I can't help it. I'm drunk, remember."

"Well, then I just gotta make you stop." And he kissed him.

And over their heads stars were shining and fireworks started exploding as they left the old year behind.)

So. That marks the end of my first Home Free fanfiction. Thanks to all of you who showed so much interest and enjoyment, every single one of your reactions made me incredibly happy! 

I just want to clarify one thing, since so many of you were curious: It was intentional not to explore the exact nature of Adam's powers in this fic. It was meant to be first and foremost about our boys on a cruiseship and their dynamics and the description of a developing relationship. I realize I left many of you wondering now, and I can only say - maybe, one day, I will write more about IcePower!Adam, who knows. But I also invite anybody who feels intrigued by the idea to provide their own take at it (and do let me know if you do so, I would be very interested in reading that)! 

As to the place Austin found himself in - well, we all can't help being a bit autobiographical from time to time, right? And having a smooth, handsome, confident, kind and supernaturally powered Adam come along to get you out of your misery - who would object, really? Right?

So, thanks again for reading and have a good time, y'all!

(PS: I am always 100% DOWN to exchange fic ideas, inspiration, get together and write more HF fics, anything. Just send me a message!)

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