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It was during the first week of summer holidays, and I was feeling ecstatic, planning my come back to a normal life. School,home,parents and all the things I was deprived of for the past two years. Anyway, back to the topic. I was sitting on the kitchen bench top, cross legged, facing the window from which a summer breeze was flowing and juggling my breakfast and a newspaper in both hands  

Jo suddenly asked,  " Any plans today kiddo?"

I stared at the Herald Sun and said in between mouth fulls of cornflakes, 

"Nope, just need to pick up some books from the store. Why?"

 He gave a brief nod and casually asked, " Thought you'd like to come to work with me today"

That caught my attention and I wearily nodded, just in case there was a catch. He gave a quick look and sighed in relief, 

"God, I thought you'd find your dad weird, trying to take you to the police station" 

I laughed at the irony and shook my head.  " I'm glad you asked me, I'd love to come" 

He set his coffee mug aside while checking his watch

"I'm leaving in 10, don't wear anything too revealing okay?" 

I abandoned my bowl and paper and skipped up stairs to get my bag ready. Adrenaline rushed through my body 'OMG OMG I'm going to a prison, okay calm down what do you need?' Note book-check, pen-check, tissue pack-che...

"Kiddo, no bags allowed, the security wouldn't allow it." Jo's voice came through the hall.

I frowned at my side bag and tossed it on the floor. 'Hmmm...what to wear..' I picked out a pure white cotton tee which was tucked into a black waist length skirt finally slipping into a pair of white sneakers.[image above] I adored myself in the mirror for a few seconds and decided to let my hair loose, and by the way I'm not a narcist.  

I fled down the stairs and hopped into the passenger seat next to Jo.

"Good thinking your clothes are very decent" I gave him a goofy grin and buckled up.

On our way there Jo told me that the ward we were visiting was for mentally disturbed juveniles, and that I should stay as close as possible to the staff. I was in utter shock when he stated that the cells were like the ones we see on TV, you know bars and not rooms. 'Wow this prison is the deal huh?' He laughed when he saw my eyes widen and offered to take me back home, but I refused. No way am I letting this chance slip by. Its a one time life experience. Jo warned me that it may be loud and break-outs could occur anytime. He gave me a V.I.P pass to sit in his office if I was uncomfortable, and finally apologizing since he wouldn't be around to take care of me. 

"I have a busy schedule today, so try to stay out of trouble and take care" he said. 

Thank the Lord, we finally reached the boom gates and had to pass through five additional gates with double locks. Talk about tight security. The reception area was cool and spacious, I strolled over to a near by map while Jo tagged in. I smiled at the receptionist as I left, but she seemed afraid to do anything while her boss was present, a bit too afraid. I joined Jo at the stairs, 

"Jooooo....." He was looking down at his phone scrolling through some important files,


 "Are people scared of you?", sounding more innocent than intended.

 He didn't seem to put any effort into his answer. 

"I don't know, Kate watch your step"


I spun my head around to see three security guards toppled over a squirming body. Jo's head snapped up and his eyes narrowed. He pushed me up the second flight of stair and said, 

"Keep moving don't look there" 

I dragged my feet up the stairs trying to catch a glimpse of the scene. A short officer came fleeing down the staircase and came to a halt when he saw Jo. 

"Morning Sir. Sir, cell 501, code red" 

Jo gave a nod and hurried up the stairs, while I was trying to keep up, we slammed into six officers and a lady in a lab coat. Light whispers were being exchanged and I stopped a few steps away from everyone trying to observe what was going on.

This was going to be a a long and interesting day huh?  

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