bad news or good news?

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the sun shone on your face along with a quiet disturbing sound .making you woke up. and there you a spiky white hair looking at you slowly. "ow its just you" and you lay your head on the pillow in chibi mode. you became serious waking up shouting "OMG WHITE-HAIR-TSUNDERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!". "hey for the record my hair is silver not white" "I DONT CARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE LOOKING AT MY STUFF?!" "this isnt what it looks like" you glare at him "ok maybe this is what it looks like, listen this is important yesterday i saw hisoka went to your room and took something" he said. "hisoka?" "yea but you probably dont know him" he said closing his eyes "what are you talking about he's my cousin" "what? cousin? no wonder your a wierdo" "what did you say.." you glare at him again. "n-nothing"

you realise something... its last night.. "k-k-killua where did you find the guts to c-c-cane after y-y-yesterday?" your voice sound very nervous and shaky. "what yesterday?" he is now very confuse. "y-y-you know f-f-fiance" "what are you talking about you were a sleep this whole time, baka!" you snap omg that goddness that was a dreM

"wait.. how did you know hisoka was in my room.. and how did you know i was asleep?" you ask him. "um... that.." he start to sweat nervously. "" you ask with a scary tone. "um.. maybe.. ok yes" "pervert..." you mumble. "no its not-" "GET OUT YOU PERVERT!" you started saying things while swinging your sword around your room. and he finnaly left leaving you

then though again.. hisoka was in your room? why the hell would that pervert took? but wait a sec.. you cheak all your cloth and underwear. and goodness he didnt took it.. but then you realise something... maybe he grab that... oh no... please dont... you cheak on it... and its gone... gone... GONE!!!! you panic and started to run in circle. that is until gon came in.

"(y/n) whats going on...?" he ask rubbing his eyes. and when he saw your room almost all of the things there was in half, probably because when you chase killua to leave. 'leorio going to pay double' he though sweatdroping.

☆★ Time Skips ☆★

leorio was pissed of because he had to pay two times from the damage you cost. its probably better if no one know or ask about his wallet.

you 've been walking in circle these days and made gon worry. "(y/n) are you alright?" he ask in a worried tone. "half". "are you still sane?" killua continue "half". surprisingly you didnt kick or punch killua for that question. "hisoka just stole your thing so i think you should let us help" gon offer. killua had already told him hisoka stole your stuff. "you dont understand gon, that thing is important!" you yell at him. gon look down rather hurt that you yell at him. "he was just helping! no need to tell!" this time you got yell by killua. "sorry" you appologise.

"and whats this important thing that got stole of yours?" killua ask cassualy.

"its a.."


c_neko: gomen minna chama! in the end i change it. please dont get mad! but the thruth is i dont know whats that important thing is either. please comment on what you want as the important thing! and please forgive me if killus is OOC

killua: whats wrong with you, you made a super secret but didnt know what it is either.

c_neko: butt off killua! if you dont i'm going to make more embarasing screan for you

killua: so is that a good thing or not?

c_neko: actually i dont know

kurapika: i didnt get a screan time -____-

c_neko: dont be sad kurapika! i'm going to make a screan time for you and leorio probably

kurapika: what did you say?!

c_neko: n-nothing

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