Ihain Apa Omessë (Lean On Me)

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(What you'll need in this chapter, it'll seem like a lot because of the 'Example:' - Tell me if it makes it harder or easier for you guys? Thanks! 💕)

* Apostrophes ' in italics are thoughts.
Example: 'Hello my pretties!'
* Words with dash's - & in Bold are mind-reading.
Example: -How are you today?-
* Words without apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!
* And Lastly... Words in Tolkien's Languages will be translated in asterisks * in bold.
Example: Mae Govannen *Well Met*


It was when Smaug attacked Erebor that it all started. - And nearly ended.
Thranduil was there with his troops, yes. But what he did not know was that his son came along as well.
When Thranduil started to leave, Legolas lingered behind, hiding from his father.

Which in the end would set his fate.

Bolg had the chance to seize him, capture him. Without anyone but the Dwarves seeing. - Thorin would remember this day for years to come, and what happened to that blond elf.

Bolg took Legolas back to the Orc's hide out, and from there on Legolas would never be the same. Did he try to free himself during the journey? Oh yes. But he was tied up, on a Warg and gagged at the mouth. His weapons were stripped from him. His Elvish strength did him no good on this day.

They turned him into something much like them. Azog hired a Dark Witch to morph the poor Elf so he no longer looked like the Prince he once was, the only thing that one could tell that it was Legolas was by his striking Blue Eyes. They shaved his hair, and cast a spell so it would never grow again. And for years to come Legolas would be tortured and learn the ways of an Orc.
How to brutally Kill without a care in the world, how to speak their language and much more. But, it would not be all in vain, for the Prince was still in that body - somewhere. And one day, he would be free - away from this darkness and hatred. Little did he know that love from a certain childhood friend, Ameria (Am-er-iah) might be the ticket out of his curse.

(Years Before Legolas's Capture)

Laughter and light, running footsteps. That's what one would hear throughout the halls of Mirkwood. Whom did they belong to? None other then the Prince of Mirkwood, and his best friend, Ameria (Am-er-iah). They had begun a game of tag, or in Middle Earth it was known as 'a game of chase'. Currently Ameria was in the lead. They soon passed the throne of the King, Thranduil. And a smile couldn't help but grace his usually stoic face. He shook his head, glad that the two young elves were having fun.

"Ameria, run while you can I'm going to get you!" A young male voice shouted.
At that, light laughter filled with joy sounded. "I'd like to see you try, Legolas Greenleaf!" She spoke looking behind her quickly.
Legolas rolled his eyes and smiled, putting a burst of speed and tackling his best friend to the ground.
"Ohmph!" Ameria let out.
"That, is what you get for being cocky, mellon nín." *my friend* Legolas spoke, close to her face, smiling.
She rolled her eyes with a smile, "you've been cocky before too, mr. don't deny it!" Ameria replied.
He slowly got up and lended her a hand. "That, mellon nín is true."
They both smiled at each other. "I'm glad we're friend's Legolas, I truly am." Ameria told him.
"Me too, Ameria, me too."

Little did they both know that the Valar made them friends for a reason...

Years later, Legolas hadn't seen Ameria for days. Which was unusual. Usually they were inseparable. So, he decided to investigate, to see what may be bothering her - if anything. Maybe she was just busy?
He went to her door and heard pacing. His eyebrows furrowed. "Ameria? Are you alright?" He asked through the door.
"Y-yes I'm fine Legolas, there's nothing to worry about." She replied shakily. It was in that moment that it was decided that he'd enter and help her get over whatever may be bothering his best friend. Opening the door, Legolas saw sparks emitting from her hands before she hid them behind her back.

"Ameria, please tell me whats wrong?" Legolas practically pleaded.
"You wouldn't believe me... If anything you'd be scared. Vala knows I'm scared!" She spoke desperately.
He took a seat on her bed, patting the space next to him.
She sighed, putting her hands on her lap, looking at them.
"So, your hands are sparking lightning?" He asked curiously.
"Yes... it appears I can shoot lightning. From my hands." Ameria explained.
Legolas tried to touch her hands, in a way of comfort but she pulled away alarmed.
"Are you crazy? I could hurt you!"
Legolas rolled his eyes. "When have you ever hurt me on purpose?"
"...Never." Ameria responded.
"Trust me, then."
She gave him one hand, and he touched it. Feeling only a slight tingle sensation run through his hand.
"See? No pain, Ameria. You're fine." He assured her.
"Thank you, Legolas."
"Anytime, Ameria. You can count on me, you know that."
"And vice versa, Legolas."

Over the days and weeks, more powers came. And, like always Legolas was their.

Whenever she was in her room for days, Legolas knew something was wrong and joined her in her problems if needed, like any loyal best friend would do.

They soon discovered her second ability when he came to check on her - enhanced speed.
When Ameria attempted to walk across the room, she would be a blur to Legolas's eyes, she'd be across the room, or at his side with a trail of blue trailing behind her from where she had been. She was faster then anything he'd ever seen. Slowly, like her lightning he helped her control it.

Next, was the mind reading. While eating his breakfast he felt as if someone dropped a weight inside the back of his head. He tried to shake it free, but to no avail. 'What is this? What's happening?' Legolas wondered.
Soon, a voice sounded in his mind. As clear as if the person stood right next to him. His eyes widened, making him drop his fork in shock. -Legolas, help me.- It spoke. 'Ameria?' Legolas thought back. -Yes, it's me.- Legolas took a minute to take everything in. 'I'm coming.' He responded, getting up from his chair.

Soon, he reached Ameria's room and to his surprise she was bent over, on her bed, grabbing her head.
He took a seat next to her and rubbed her back. "There's so many voices, Legolas. Please make it stop." She pleaded close to tears.
"So that's how you contacted me, Telepathy." He responded pulling her into a hug. Legolas had heard it could be painful.
"Like the rest, I'll help you control this one as well. Don't worry Mellon nín."
"Thank you, Legolas."
He kissed the top of her head while she drifted off to sleep on his lap, him still rubbing circles on her back.
'If only she was free from this pain... I wonder what the Valar have in store for her.' He thought.

Little did he know, that Ameria had learned the gift of foresight. Why didn't she tell him? It was a mystery to them both.

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