I liek Water

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"We're at a resort!"

"Let's take a dip~!"

You skillfully avoided Goggles arm of which was trying to pull you into the pool.

Team blue was at Mahi Mahi Resort, for a turf war against Aloha.

This time you decided to hang back and just watch the battle. Eventually Aloha's team mates would do the same, so yaay, social contact.

Aloha also had a fresh party tonight.

"We've been waiting for ya, this is gonna be mad fun!"

You were comfortably seated in— well— a comfy chair.

You chuckled as you watched team blue be disappointed in team pinks show-off-ness.
You dozed off for a bit before opening your eyes to... Bickering.

"Obviously cones are best!"

"No way— cups are!"


"Uwahh! Wait— wot?" you replied, surprised at the sudden mention of your name.


You sweat-dropped, 'Ohoo, much threat.'

"Why not just use a spoon?" you innocently suggested

"Oh, so then cu—"

"No, just put the ice-cream on the table— or your hand."




"(Y/N) IS OUR ENEMY!" the idiotic duo claimed in sync, as they comically marched towards... away.

"I thought you guys were soo cool... having beaten Rider and Army and all... But now, I starting to recon—"

You crept up behind him.


"—SIDER?!! WHAT?!"

You couldn't help but laugh at his baffled, yet bamboozled expression.

Tbh it was kinda cute.

"...Ah, well..."

"Oi, you guys should probably start, I'm bored, gimme a show!"

"Hn, girly is right..."

—Time Skip—



You were beyond bored.

But still slightly amused with the sight of Goggles and Glasses fighting.

You sighed before drinking your (f/f) smoothie. Aloha had sweetly offered it to you. Yaay everyone (maybe) likes you.

"Do your jobs!"

"I am!"

"No, you're not!"

Such chaos.

Much boring.

You would be excited if it wasn't your first time seeing this, but you already knew what would happen. It was quite fresh in your memory— as fresh and Gloves's gear.

"Pfft, they're so uncool."

What uncool is how you guys are gonna betray Aloha sooner or later...

"What a shame~"

"I really hate things that are uncool, personally."

Much show-off.

Your half-lidded bored eyes watched as Aloha skillfully dodged Headphones shots.

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