like every other day part 1

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Kadens pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm just like every other day. I got up my mom was probably at work already she worked at a acting company she was the derector. So after sitting there for 10 minutes I got up to take a shower. After taking a shower and drying of I went to my closet. I got out a blue plad shirt and some white jeans and put on my glasses.

I went done stares to the kitchen so I could get something to eat. I grabded some cereal and milk. After eating my cereal I got my stuff ready for school and headed for the door.

I got to my bus stop and waited for 10-12
minutes and then the bus finally arrived. I got on the crowded bus and sat with one of my two freinds. Leo he was talking about a book he found in the libary. I just sat there there thinking about how to avoid Marcus he is my bully. "Are you okay" Leo said with a conserned exspresion " Oh-h ya I'm fine" I was clearly lieing " Kaden don't lie to me" should I tell him no I don't want to worry him. I just ignored him by listening to music the rest of the ride.

So we were finally at school my first period was technology with my least favorite teacher Mr.Adems he was super rude to all the kids even if they were doing everything right. Everyone could agree that he was the worst teacher out of the hole heigh school and the worst thing about this class is that I was partners with Marcus we had to make a CAD (computer aid drawing). The brown haird boy walked up to me " Hey nerd" he said wile I was looking up at him " I'm not a nerd" I said with an angry look on my face." Whatever" Marcus said with a annoyed expression. We just sat there in silence for most of class.


I was in the middle of class with the black haired nerd when he asked " What's the measurements for the rectangle?" The nerd was talking to me he has some nerves today " I don't fucking know nerd" I was getting really annoyed with him asking me such a thing but I also felt some what guilty for being so mean I shrugged the feeling off." Oh-h okay sorry for bothering you" you could tell he was shaking I felt really bad for some reason " It's fine" I said without thinking I felt a little embarrassed for letting such a little thing bother me whatever.

-time skip-

It was the end of the day already and I haven't seen Kaden since technology, why was I so worried about him and why do I feel bad for this morning I must be sick or something and why do I feel so weird the fuck is rong with me. Do I have a crush on that shitty nerd nope not fucking possible I'm not gay am I ? No way I don't have time for this I have to get going. I get in my car and drive home still thinking about that black haired nerd.

Kadens pov
Leaving school

I managed to avoid Marcus for the hole day " Hey Kaden" I heard Leo yell " Shit man you look like you ran a 10k" I said when he finally got to me. Skylar my other friend said the same thing she was just reading Attack on Titan nothing important . We then walk to the bus the buses were lined up by number biggest to smallest 5,7,8,10,16,18,and 28 we were the last bus,bus 28. We got on the bus it really wasn't interesting so I pulled out new moon the second book in the twilight series and read for the rest of the bus ride.

-time skip-
When I got home my mom was there at the stove she was making dinner " What's for dinner?" I asked " Mack and Cheese" my favorite "okay" I said as I was taking of my shoes I went up stares to pick up my room and make my bed I then checked my social medias " Dinners ready!!" My mom said I went down stares and sat at the table " so how was your day?" My mom asked I don't really know what to say " Oh nothing really" "okay hunny" we sat there in silence for the rest of dinner.

-time skip because the author is lazy-

I got ready for bed I have been thinking all day of how I should come out to Skylar and Leo. I mean what if Skylar screams and blerts it out to the hole high school. Omg what if Marcus finds out I would be so fucked and I have a crush on him I'm so fucking stressed I will think about it tomorrow. I slowly dozed of.

I hope you guys like this it's my first fanfic so please be kind

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