life part 2

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Kadens POV

Yet again a nother day, I get up after moping. When I finally get up I head over to my closet and pick out a purple shirt gray pance and put on my glasses. Should I tell them what should I say, fuck I'll just wing it. What should I eat, maybe the extra Mac and Cheese. No I'm not really hungry anyway. What? The principal call me at 5 yesterday I must of had it on silent. He left a voice mail " Hello Kaden I just wanted you to know I had made you the personal tutor of Marcus it starts tomorrow " Ahhhhh shit! Why meeee!?!?? He's gonna be pissed off! Fuck fuck fuck!!!! Ughh I have to go to school I don't want to miss school and I have to tell Leo and Skyler that I'm gay today! What if Marcus finds out! This is why I hate people ughhhh.

After freaking out for 20 minutes I go to my bus stop down the road and wait for my bus it's so slow. I was just reading the last chapter of new moon I loved the Twilight series. Finally the bus had decided to arrive. I sat down by Leo I was shaking a little I was so nervous what should I say ughhh.

I decided to just read my book, how could Bella be so dumb. I mean like come on why the nightmares and shit is Edward that important jeez. Finally we get to school 'West Wing High'. I had just got to my looker when I felt someone pull me to the ground from behind. It was Marcus I was chocking on my own words, I just froze like a idiot. "Hi nerd" I was mad and sad at being called 'nerd' but I brushed it off " Y-yes" Is all I could chock out. "I got a massage from the principle that your my personal tutor" "Y-ya I got a massage too" I quickly got up. "Hey you look shaken up, you okay" He punched me in the arm like I was his friend. What is happening? Why is Marcus being so nice to me?!?!. I got my stuff and walked to class with Marcus without answering him which is vary dangerous.

Marcus POV

I was getting mad when the shitty nerd decided it was okay to not answer me. But I let it slide he was shaking like he was scared of me, 'do I scare him that much? 'I didn't like to scare him but I do, I love him but I have made mistakes and hurted him pretty bad. God why can't I just tell him.

~time skip~

Me and the nerd where now in tech he had stop shaking and that made me happy "Hi nerd do you want to come over to your house or me go to yours? " He look surprised by something " W-what? " "For the tutoring dumbass" He started to shake again as we got to the computers. "U-uh my house is fine"

~another time skip to kadens house~

I had told my mom I would be walking to Kadens house to get tutored she didn't care like usual. It turns out Kadens house isn't to far from mine, but it was a lot bigger than mine. We got inside and I was greeted by who I assume to be Kadens mom. "Kaden who is your friend? " She said but Kaden just rolled his eyes. "I have to tutor him, his name is Marcus Ackerman" "Sup" I said with a wave she just smiled, 'come to think of it I've never seen Kaden smile'. I thought.

"Marcus do you want to work down here at the dining table, or go upstairs to my room? " I thought about it for a moment. "Your room. " He nodded a yes. He got his backpack and started to walk up the stairs I followed behind him.

"So what do you want to work on first?" He asked as we got to his room. It was a decent size he had his desk beside his bed and a night stand on the opposite side of the bed. "I don't know" I just shrugged. "What about math you seem to b-be struggling w-with that the m-most." He was shaking once again. "Sure and can you quit stuttering please?" He flinched when I said please 'god what have I done to this kid?'. "Okay"  he paused before responding. He then went to the desk and sat down and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to him.

~time skip 4 hours and 30 minutes~

"Okay we are done" Kaden said

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