Part 11- Vicker meets Miller.

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So guys... Guess what?!
That guy up there... Is Jake Miller!

Chris's POV

"Your..recommendations are quite impressive. Graduated with a second class in business administration at the age of 22, worked two years as a librarian before finally landing a job at Landon &Co. "

"Ye..yes sir.. I assure you I only lost the job because.. "

"I know..the company went bankrupt. I saw it coming.."

"Saw..what coming? " he asks a little out of fear.

"The bankruptcy. You see, when my father was still CEO, Landon brought up a business proposal, I'm sorry to say this but, your ex boss was..well, himself."

"I Um..know sir, he wasn't particularly anyone's favorite, but I assure you that I'll give this job my all.. If you employ me, that is."

"Hmm.. Are you married? "
"Wh..what? "
"I asked you if you were married. As my PA, I might need you to work extra hours with me, sometimes even in my house and of course you'd be paid extra for every of those nights but I'd just like to know if you're married and know if I have to make alternatives.. "

"Oh no sir.. I'm not married, not in any relationship whatsoever.. I'm totally ready for this."

Staring intently at him for a long time, I notice him fidget under my gaze he's probably nervous.

I can't help but have this unsettling feeling inside of me looking at him, but come on, he's a nerd, what's the worst that could happen, nerds are the most unpredictable dummy! But then, I remember Ashley telling me he had a sick mother who needed kidney transplant. I should probably help with that, but I'll have to wait till we're familiar with each other. He might not be too comfortable talking about it with his potential boss so I'll have to settle with giving him the job, at least, that way, he could pay for her drugs. "

"Alright're hired."

"I am?" he gasps.

"Yes. You can start tomorrow right? I'm sorry if it's too soon, it's just that I just sent the man who was temporarily filling the position of my PA to our branch in Brazil to oversee things and he's not coming anytime soon. And my secretary has been having a hard time juggling between the front desk and my needs so.. "

"I can definitely start tomorrow sir!"

"If you're gonna be my PA, you're like a friend to me, so please call me Chris and I'll call you Jake, can we do that? "

"Totally Mr Vic..Chris" he stutters.

"Good. You resume at 8am and close by 5 pm, except on those long extra nights. You're to answer my calls, book my appointments, sort files and of course, make coffee. Ashley, the girl who sent you up.. She'll give you more enquiries. "

"Thank you sir" he says standing up earning a business smile from me.

"I'll have you know I do not take lateness very kindly, please be here on time"

"Of course sir"
"Ashley will show you your office and explain every other thing. You may leave now" I say sorting out the scattered files on my table before remembering something else
"Oh and one more thing, definitely the most essential of all, I need your honesty and full loyalty. We live in a competitive world, and I'd like to know the people I'm surrounded by, don't ever lie to me, are we clear on that? " I say a little sternly and notice him flinch a little

"Yes sir.. Of..course, you can count on me "

"Thank you.. And welcome on board"
"Thank you. Good day" with a little nod of my head, he takes that as a cue to leave.

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