Part 12- Marry You???!

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Earlier that day...(before the interview with Chris ) 6:am.

Daniel's/ Jake's POV

"Are you sure of this man Ricardo?" I ask Ricardo through the phone.

"Of course! Everything you need is inside the parcel. You have all his data. Basically what you have to keep in mind is that he graduated from NYU with a second degree in business administration at the age of 23, no father, no  mother,no siblings, only distant relatives. Not married but has a sick grandmother who's suffering from a kidney failure. He has all the qualifications required to get the job and from what I've heard from the press about the Vicker guy, he's got a soft spot for charity and all of that shit." he explains and I can just imagine him puffing out some smoke through the cigarette.

Ricardo is my business partner. I met him in Colombia when we were both working for our former boss Ringo, whose death, we planned. Don't blame us! It's not our faults, he had it coming for him. Placing high targets for us back at the drug cartel in Del Santo. We had to take him out, it was that or our heads on the pedestal.

After Ricardo and I murdered him, we  trashed his body into the oceans and came to the states with fake passports.  We still operate here in the United States and we are still in contact with our old partners in Colombia. Ringo may die, but the cartel will never!

"How did you even know there was a vacancy in that company?"

"What do you mean? What do you take me for?"

"Well don't ask me, you've never been a fan of the TVs or newspapers" I shrug.

"I buy the papers okay! Since we arrived in this goddamned country, I've had to keep tabs on all the happenings in this country, for both our asses! I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be fucking jail rats."

"Shut up Ricardo, no one's going to jail. I think our target is on the move. He just stepped outside the hospital and I'm guessing he's going home to prepare for the interview" I say, watching from the inside of my car that's packed behind other cars.

Starting up the ignition, I begin to drive slowly behind him with Ricardo still on the line.

"Now Daniel, I know the killing him part is nothing to you, I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried about is you acing the interview. I've heard the man can be tough, you're gonna need all the luck you can get."

"It's just an interview Ricardo, how bad can it get"

"Have you ever had an interview in your life? " he asks sarcastically making me scoff.

"If I could pass an interview with Ringo then, then this should be easy."

"Whatever dude.. Why do you even have to do this? Is this totally necessary..the while getting a job thing I mean? "

"Well, I don't know about you, but I can't live my life hiding forever. I can be claustrophobic you know, besides, I'm here for Bella remember? Taking this job is the only way I can spend time with her, she's always wanted me to get a steady job, says so we could be a family someday and all that crap.. "

Our operations had been moving smoothly well not until weeks ago, when the cops almost caught us. Our mole in the police station had been sacked due to inefficiency and now the cops are on our tail more than ever. We have toay low for a while and while Ricardo chooses to stay indoors doing nothing except drinking and fucking ,I, unlike him can't live my life in the dark forever.

Assuming this double identity is the only way I can live my life while running the cartel and keeping them off my radar. Well, also so Bella and her family especially that her peacock of a mother and psycho of a best friend can see some good in me.

Billionaire's One Desire (Formerly 'His Love? Or His Obsession?' ) Where stories live. Discover now