Pass the boof

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                     Alright, before we begin I would like to establish that coke is no joke, thank you for your time and excuse my language please mr. Rogers 🙏 never forget.

    "FOOK m8" exclaimed a young lad as he ran through the street " imma be late for classss!" He weaved in and out of streets until he finally made it, to goldsmiths college.
"Ayyyyyy" he said exasperated as he burst through the doors clutching his buckling heart as he crumpled to the floor.
"excuse me what?" Said another yung lad
"me hat m8 watt is that?"
"Oh sorry," said the first lad
"I am simply flabbergasted."
"It is I, Graham" said Graham
"Oh hey my mans I didn't realize that it was you!" Replied the lad
"Yes Alex it is I, now tell me, why r u late?"
"I was watching les sampsons and lost track of time." Said Alex
"Ah yes, but of course I love les sampsons!" Exclaimed Graham.
"E" said Slec and he took off at the speed of light. Alex continued down the long winding hall to attend his French classes. Once they had finished he met up with his lads in the alley.
"Right lads, pop a xan want to go to Tony's place tonight?" Proposed Ollux
"Aw yeet!" Exclaimed the lads
"Perhaps I shall see Justine!" said one of the lads, Damon.
"Yes, perhaps I shall see that girl Lola again I saw last time (lol)" said the last of the lads, Dave
"Hazzah!" Exclaimed Alecs and the three musketeers in unison.
"It shall be a wonderous eve!" Started Graham
" except it seems I've encountered a small obstacle."
"And what might that be?" Asked Damon
"I don't know how to get there." Said Graham
" I shall escort you there myself" stated Damon
"Oh yes I would like that" said graham flustered 😉
"POPP A XAN MY MANS" shouted Alex as he simultaneously popped a xan and flipped a Popeyes sugar stick into his mouth.
"Absolute unit goes full sendd!" Exclaimed Dave.
"Hey Alex," started Damon
"Pass the boof"
"I got chu fom" said Alex while he sneakily slid a small packet of the good shit over to Damon.
Damon shot him a little sly ass smirk, Alex blushed. "Goddamn," thought Damon "Alecs truly ain't nothing less than a scooby SNACC." Ya damn right Damon!

(Of part one)

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