Heartache in the London swamp

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           Graham was sitting in his flat eating some alphaghetti when he heard a knock on the door. "That must be Demons" he thought to himself as he carefully placed his bowl of alphaghetti on the table. Graham played with his hair a bit then got up and approached the door. He unhooked the chain from the slot, twisted the lock and swung the door open. Once opened, the door revealed a tall handsome blonde in a dapper polo shirt.
"Ayyy lmao!" Exclaimed Graham
"Ayyy lmao!" Replied Damon and they performed their secret handshake.
"Shall we go?" Proposed Damon
"One second." Said Graham, he walked over to his couch and snagged the fanny pack that was laying there, he then slung it across one of his slender shoulders.
"Wot is that m8?" Asked Damon
"My fanny paccccc!!!" Replied graham in an offended fashion
" u got a problem m8?" Asked Graham
"Oh no," started Damon defensively "I don't."
"God damn" Damon thought to himself " graham looks like an absolute smoke show with that fanny pacc!"  

           The lads proceeded out of Graham's apartment complex and down the street to where they waited for the bus. There was an awkward silence until the bus arrived.
"After you" said Damon as he bowed his head and held his hand out to the door.
"Good golly demons!" Giggled Graham, face completely rouge. They walked down the central isle of the bus and found two seats toward the back of the nearly empty bus. It was a ten minute ride to "Tony's place." Damon was excited for a night out with the bois. He was also excited to see his ever loyal girlfriend, Justin Fisherman.

            Finally the ten minutes had passed.
" last stop blart street!" Screeched the bus driver
" skat boys!"
" okay thx m8" replied Damon and Graham.
They stepped into the popping and bopping Tony's place, there were loads of people there. It seemed as though it might take a bit of searching to find the rest of the squad.
"Right Damon, lets split to find the others" said Graham
"Aight my mans" said Damon.

          Damon started weaving through the crowds of sweaty people until he spotted his ever loyal girlfriend, none other than Justine Frishmann. Justine was enclosed in a circle of soy that were all clapping and cheering. "Blimey m8," thought Damon "what is this bollocks?" When he got closer he noticed that Justine was doing some hype beast dance moves.
"Justine!" He hollered. Justine glanced at him, flustered then began stampeding toward him, bingo wings swinging in the breeze. She then got him in a firm head lock and gave him a crisp noogie.
"Justine," started Damon
"Just how many xans have you popped?"
"Oh Damon, darling," said Justine in a dazed fashion
"And when was the last time you took your pill?" Asked Damon worriedly
"Many moons ago!" Shouted Justine. Damon shook his head is dismay.
" so many moonnnns!" Shouted a voice in the distance.
"Alex?" Asked Damon
"I thought you'd never make it, now where's Graham?" Asked Alex
"He went looking for you" replied Damon
"Rats" snapped Alex
"Well, see you around!" He said
"Yeah" said Damon.

      Just when Damon thought Justine was calming down, wonderwall came on and she jumped up and started shimmying in an odd fashion.
" this will be a long night.." sighed Damon
"What's with the long face?" Asked a voice from behind him. As Damon turned around he noticed it was none other than Tony himself.
"Big Tony!" Yelled Damon with glee
"Damon!" Yelled Tony and they embraced over the bar counter.
"It's been so long Damon, what happened?" Asked Tony
"Oh Tony," started Damon
"It was life, life happened."
"Take a seat Damon," said Tony
"Let's talk about it, I'll give you one of my world famous"crazy Aaron's" on the house." Damon took a seat across from Tony and kneaded all his problems away.

         Over in the corner of the room was a scared Graham.
"oh look, 20 p!" Said Graham excitedly as he bent over top pick it up
"Tonight, we buy Gucci." He proclaimed.
" Oi lad that's epic!" Said a bewildered Alex.
"Look lads I snaked vapes" cried Dave
, overjoyed
"Vapes!" Cried Graham and Alex simultaneously
"What a pleasant surprise!" And they vaped like there was no tomorrow.

(Of part two)

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