Chapter 4

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They led the students to the Eiffel Tower.

Desperate to catch the last two remaining students, the group of seekers ran as fast as they could, but the duo Marinette and Adrien were as fast as lightning, almost impossible to keep up with.

Alya came close to touching Marinette's handkerchief, but the girl noticed and picked up her speed, out of Alya's reach.

Then, when they reached the feet of the tower, the duo did the most unexpected thing. They started to climb the Eiffel Tower. 

Some gasped while majority of them gaped with their jaws open as the two teens made climbing the 1,063 ft tall tower look swift and effortless.

As they reached the first floor, everyone thought they would have stopped but they didn't. They continued to climb higher and higher, even overpassing the elevator's limit, to the tippy-top of the Eiffel Tower.

"What do you say we give them another shock, Kitty?" asked Marinette, pointing towards her earrings.

"Are you sure?" Adrien replied. She was always the one who thought their identities should remain a secret, even after defeating Hawkmoth.

The bluenette nodded in reply. "Positive."

"Okay then. If we're going to show them, we should give a real show. On three, we jump and transform," the blonde boy said.

"One....Two.....Three!" They jumped off the Eiffel Tower.

The students all screamed and gasped as they watched the two jump off the tower.





As they fell, both yelled to their respective kwamis,

"Tikki, spots on!"

"Plagg, claws out!"

They transformed into Ladybug and Chat Noir as they fell from the sky. Ladybug threw her yo-yo while Chat extended his baton, swinging and landing safely on the first floor once more just as the mega-buzzer went off.

"Maritrash is Ladybug?! And my Adrikins is that nasty alley cat?!" Chloe gasped in shock and disgust.

"OH MY GOD! My best friend is Ladybug! Eek!" Alya shrieked, going into fangirl mode. When she saw Chat Noir kiss the spotted heroine's lips and the girl didn't pull away, she ran crazy, any trace of anger or worry or just plain shock (don't forget self-control) completely vanished.

The next day, Adrien and Marinette stood on the stage next to the Mayor.

"And this year's winners are Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Congratulations!" he proclaimed, handing them the money and the tickets, much to Chloe's dismay.

After the ceremony, a certain ombre managed to corner the two teenagers.

"A-Alya! H-hey, w-what's up?" Adrien asked nervously, Marinette cowering behind him. Things were never pretty when Alya was angry.

"Don't 'what's up?' me, Agreste. You two, have a lot of explaining to do," Alya replied in a dangerous and threatening tone. She moved to the left a little, revealing the entire class.

"Uh-oh," Adrien mumbled.

An awkward silence filled the air.

Suddenly, Marinette said, "Sorry guys, but this is a bit..uh, overwhelming. We'll talk later. And also, we got to go!"

Before anyone could stop her, the bluenette yelled, "Tikki, spots on!"

Transforming into Ladybug, she launched herself onto a windowsill. "C'mon, Kitty!"

The blonde turned towards his group of friends and classmates.

"See ya. Plagg, claws out!" Adrien yelled, smirking. Then he turned back to Ladybug as he extended his baton, "Hey! Wait up, Purr-incess!"

With that, they were gone.

"You know that when we get back, the others, especially Alya, are totally gonna kill us for bailing on them, right?" Adrien asked, pulling Marinette closer as she laid her head on his shoulder. They were currently sitting on the balcony of the Eiffel Tower. The one that only they were able to reach.

"Trust me. I'm well aware of that. But it was kinda fun, wasn't it?"

The blonde sighed. "Not really. I think I could have done better."

Marinette raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Oh really?"

She pushed him off the tower. "MARINETTE!"

She transformed into Ladybug, caught him and pulled them back up. "Oops. Sorry."

Adrien looked shocked then he burst into chuckles. "Sly M'lady."

The girl casually shrugged, leaning on the balcony railings. "Oblivious cat."

"Oh, you know you love me, bugaboo," Adrien  stated, slinging his arm around her.

"Hmm, are you sure I know that?" Marinette asked in mock confusion.

She turned to him smiling before pecking a delicate kiss on his lips.

"Yes, yes, I do."

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