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'Why are you helping me?' I singed in curiosity as I watched him work. He wouldn't meet my eyes and didn't answer though I knew he'd seen me ask.

The chapter before that.
The Soldier and I looked at each other through our masks. The Shield Agent, Nick Fury, was gone.

When the Soldier and I were finally recalled to the briefing room it was the following day. I met Winter in the hall on the way.

"Pierce sent me out alone last night. Had me sniper Fury through the wall of what I presume was a safe house. Ended up confronting a man with a shield that was painted like the American flag." The Soldier said as we made our way to the briefing room. I looked up at him in shock and worry, instantly doing a once over of him to check for injuries. Winter chuckled.

"It was brief, I'm fine." He said with a smirk. We entered the briefing room for the third time in 24 hours. Peirce and Rumlow were both present this time, though Rumlow looked like shit.

"This man is your new target." Peirce said as he pointed to a picture of a man with blonde hair, in a Red, White and Blue suit. He had a star on his chest, I briefly looked down at the one on my own, before focusing back on the task at hand.
"His name is Captain America and he's now a fugitive of Hydra. I tried sending Rumlow, but he wasn't strong enough." Peirce said pointedly. I resisted the urge to smirk.
"Take down anyone who stands in your way. Oh and kill Mr. Sitwell too he's a traitor. You have ten hours." He added as he pointed at us both. We nodded.

"So arm up." He demanded as he turned away from us to discuss something with Rumlow. We left the room and head off to arm up. Time take down Mr. America.

I ghosted the car I knew to be Captain America's, in a black truck. He had two others with him. The infamous Black Widow, and a war veteran, Sam Wilson, no one to special. We were almost at the meeting point. 3, 2, 1. I watched as the Soldier jumped onto the side of the Captain's car and rippped Jasper Sitwell from the vehicle and through him in front of an oncoming truck. One down. One to go. The Soldier jumped on top of their car and began to shoot through the roof.

Someone slammed the brakes in the car and Winter went flying off the vehicle. This angered me so I sped up and waited for the car in front of me to move before raming the back of theirs. I continued to push the car forward towards the Soldier. He jumped and landed back on their roof only to rip out their stearing wheel, but he isn't there long before he's shot at and forced to jump off and onto the bonnet of my armoured vehicle. I continued to ram their car until it spun out and flipped, all three members in the car coming sliding out on a door and the Captains shield. The Soldier jumped off of the bonnet as I stopped, I got out and passed him a missile launcher. He fired at the captain and we watched as he went flying off the bridge and onto the road bellow, knocking over a bus. Impressive.

I pulled out my own gun as a couple other guys exited the car and we begin to fire at the other two as they hid behind cars. The shooting continues until Soldier sends the Widow flying off the bridge.

'I'm going to find the other one.' I sign to the Soldier as he switches guns. He nods as I take off in the direction of Mr. Wilson. The gun fire continues to ring out behind me as I spot Sam pulling something from the wreckage. I cock my pistol and begin to fire he curse and ducks behind the car, taking his device with him. I stop firing for a second when there's no movement, I inch closer still cautious. I curse in my head as Sam comes flying out from behind the car on Carbon fibre, metal wings. I aim and keep shooting, but he's moving to damn fast. He flies back past me and I take off running after him. He swoops one of our guys as he's trying to make his way down to where the Captain was currently facing off the rest of the men. He steals the mans gun and takes off again, I keep shooting but can't land a shot. Sam rains fire down on the troops down low. Pissed off I jump off the bridge in a lunge for Sam. I catch one of his wings in my hand and he spirals.

"Go! I'll handle her!" He yells at the Captain as he tries to shake me. The Captain takes off in the direction I presume The Soldier is. I clamp my other hand down on Sams wing and crush it in my hands. The engine busts out and he spirals to the ground I jump off just before he crash lands on the ground. Sam curse and we go hand to hand. I'm getting close when he decides he needs a little distance and takes off running, I follow closely. Sam stops and ducks behind a car to gain his breath. I pull out another gun, a semi automatic and shoot like crazy at the car. He busts up from behind the car using his unbroken wing and slams into me. I loose the gun as my face slams the cement, braking both my goggles and my mask. I tear them away and stand wiping my grazed face. I turn to face Sam who's now back on solid ground.

"Jesus! Guy's you gotta see this!" He yelps threw his coms, as he sees my face. I roll my eyes and run at him. We engage in a fist fight before he takes off again. I'm getting sick of this guy just running away. I run after the half flying half running man. Just beyond him I see The Soldier engaged in a fight with the Captain. They're really evenly matched. I think as I stop slightly distracted. The Captain flips the Soldier and he rolls to a stand again, his mask now too gone. The Captain freezes for a second.

"Bucky?" He questions as he looks at the Winter Soldier confused.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" Is the Soldier's reply.

Out of nowhere, Sam flying kicks The Soldier sending him threw the air. He stands back up and looks at me, just noticing my presence. He then looks back to Captain America.
A missile comes flying in Soldiers direction. It's at times like these I really wish I didn't have these stitches. He sees it coming though and jumps out of the way. That was too close. Somethings not right. I take off as the smokes in the air heading for our randevu point.

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