Chapter 1. Dreams Really Do Come True

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                                                                           Maddy's POV

I wake up to my head pounding. All I can see is pitch black. Then I realized that it was just another crazy dream of mine. Finally, I get out of bed and look at the clock. It is 9:30 and I'm going to be late for school. I start getting ready and then my head starts pounding again. Then the next thing I see is these two boys I've never seen before. Their names were Sam and Dean Winchester, and I have no idea who they were and why I was seeing them. Finally, I just ignore what I have just seen. I get into my car and drive to school. When I arrive at school, I see my two best friends Spencer and Gracie

"Hey Maddy, are you ok? You don't look so good."

"Spencer, leave her alone."

"What I was just asking, I can't ask her a question?"

"Can you two please stop arguing my head is pounding."

"Yea sorry, is it starting again?

"Yea I hate it."

"Sorry, do you need to go to the nurse's office?"

"And say what Gracie? "I've been getting visions that are coming true and it causes me to have pounding headaches?"

"Jeez, I was just asking."

"I know I'm sorry it just feels like my head is going to explode."

"Are you sure you're gonna be, ok?"

"Yea, I'm sure."

"So, what did you see in your vision this time?"

"It was these two boys I've never seen before. Their names were Sam and Dean, I think. I don't really remember."

"Are they cute at least?"


"What? I just want to know."

"Yes, they were cute, are you happy?'

"Yes, thank you."

"Well hate to break up talking about Maddy's dream boys but we got one minute till the bell rings, we going to keep daydreaming or?"

"Ok, Ok, see y'all at lunch."

                                                                Maddy's POV

                  Finally, it's lunch time and I head to the cafeteria to see Spencer and Gracie                                            at our lunch table.

"Hey Maddy, don't freak out but the new student teachers for gym class their names are Sam and Dean."

"Are you messing with me?"

"No, I'm not."

"You have to be!"

"No, I'm not, I promise, look there they are!"

"It can't be them!"

"Is it really them Maddy?"

" can't be. It's too weird."

"Tell me about it. My best friend's dreams are coming true!"

"This isn't happening...I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back." 

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