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Her eyes shone a brilliant amber.

The black crown on her golden locks tilted when she stared quizzically at the vision that appeared on the murky water's surface. She stood up soundlessly, the bandages that embraced her legs protected her bare feet from the cold marble floor.

With a sudden fling of her hand, the image disappeared, leaving only a puddle of brackish water in the gold basin.

A sigh escaped from her ruby-red lips. It echoed along the hallway until a soft growl broke it's momentum. Snapping her fingers, blue fire lit up the darkness in an eerie glow.

"Come." Her voice commanded.

The clink of metal was heard and her now lapis blue orbs saw the vague outline of a wolf. The armour it wore showed itself to be matte black titanium, and the pure white fur of the canine shone like the moon.

"Lunar." She smiled at the wolf. "Dinner is served."

"Living flesh today, Lady Apocalypse?" Lunar questioned, drool already escaping her jaws. "You spoil me, Milady."

"I found a spy today." She spoke coldly, gesturing to the half-dead man on the floor. "From a dark guild, as a matter of fact." She caressed the white fur on Lunar's head fondly.

"Did you know?" She addressed the man directly while Lunar prowled around her prey. "I despise dark guilds." Her innocent voice ended in a venomous hiss.

The wolf pounced.

A scream tore through the silent castle.

The rest of her army and servants flinched. Blood splattered onto the floor, and the snout of the white wolf was stained red.

She laughed mirthlessly, her eyes sparkling with bloodlust.

Then the communication lacrima rang. Walking over gracefully, she looked into the reflective screen of the lacrima. The raven-haired male smiled when he saw her, and she returned the favour.

"You called me, Master Zeref ?" 

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