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"Found you!" A harsh yell made her flinch, and the rough tug on her hair forced a scream out of the young child's lips.

He picked her up by her hair. Looking at the squirming six year old girl, an insane grin split his face into two.

"You're not going to like what Master's about to do to you if you can't even stand a little pain." His pupils became dilated when he saw her tears pouring down her innocent face.

The inner demon within him awakened.

He slapped her, sending her flying to the other end of the burning town.

Her cries echoed in his ears, and the dress she wore was ripped and dirty.

He let out an evil chuckle.

Pulling out a knife, he enjoyed her screams while he carved a cross on her small hand. He let out a cackle at her tears and the crimson life force oozing out of her wound.

"This is the one that has lost magic in her? What a weakling."

He raised his hand, about to hurt the girl again.

"Enough. We need her." A low voice rang behind him.

His palm stopped, just inches from her shivering form.

"Tch..." He muttered, mentally cursing Master for cutting short his entertainment.

The man picked the trembling girl and threw her into the cage prepared. A soft 'thump' was heard before he sauntered away.

"I'll get you later, angel..." He hissed to the trapped girl.

She fell into darkness.

Tears escaped from her tightly shut eyes when memories of the pain and suffering flashed in the dark void that engulfed her.

"No...stop!" She shrieked, her face cringed in anguish.

She was torn away from her father and brother, screaming at her assailant. The flames blocked away the last of her family. The trees were alight in a blazing inferno, the ground scalded her feet while she was dragged across the earth.

"They killed my family. They killed my brother. They killed my father." Her lips parted in a snarl.

The sharp canines in her mouth showed.

"I'll kill them."

As if on cue, the cage door opened. Light shone into the darkness.

Her eyes were no longer the brilliant lapis blue that she and her brother shared.

They glowed amber.

As she stepped out into the guild hall a little too willingly, murmurs erupted in the area of dark wizards.

However, their eyes were not staring at her, but at the ground.

On the normally red carpet, her steps stained the cloth black. The Master's eyes widened. From his throne at the end of the room, he hollered at the dumbstruck wizards.

"Get away from her!" His voice was laced with terror.

She looked up, her amber eyes sparkled with...


"Die." She growled.

A ruffle of black feathers erupted from her small back. Two wings unfurled into the empty space.

Blood-curdling screams filled the silent air.

The doors crash open.

Turning around, she narrowed her eyes at the two figures outlined by the sunlight.

Seeing their startled look, she dropped the last guild member on the floor. The one who tortured her still had his eyes wide open in terror, as if he was alive. However, his body no longer took in breaths of oxygen, his heart stopped cold. He had hurt her, and she made him scream a thousand times more...

She studied them quietly, her amber orbs glowing with suspicion and distrust. The woman was wearing a red cape with white, tooth-like details on the lining. Her hair was pink, but included streaks of blonde in her side bangs. The man was much shorter that the woman, only reaching her knee in height. In his hand, a piece of yellowed paper fluttered in the late afternoon breeze.

'Destroy the dark guild-' the rest was covered by his petite fingers.

'So this is called a dark guild...' Slowly, she found herself thinking straight again.

Her vision started to blur, and her energy drained away like how she quickly rid the dark guild of life. She sank to her knees while her eyes turned back to their electric blue.

The last thing she saw was the both of them rushing towards her before her heavy eyelids shut the windows of light in her mind.

When she opened her blue orbs again, she saw a brown ceiling and something soft supporting her body. Her throat felt dry and scratchy. Instinctively, she tensed up when her sensitive ears heard movement. The pink-haired woman from before appeared in her line of sight.

Shoving a bowl in her face, the woman ordered, "Drink."

Cautiously sniffing the contents, she sipped the liquid. It was cool and soothing to her parched throat, making her greedily gulp down the rest in mere seconds.

"Why are you helping me? I killed all those people..." She looked at the woman, questioning apparent in her eyes.

"How could I not help a fellow dragon?" She sighed grudgingly.

Before she could ask further, the door swung open. Catching a glimpse of the visitor, she remembered the man from before.

"How is she, Porlyusica?"

"Makarov..." She sighed at the worried man. "Her condition's fine, but her wound will leave a scar."

'Scar?' Her mind slowly registered what Porlyusica said.

When she tried to sit up, a wave of pain made her wince in pain. Dropping back down to the bed, she carefully raised her hand to see a bandage wrapped around her left hand.

The memories flooded back to her, making her flinch.

Seemingly just noticing her, Makarov looked at the girl with a mixture of sympathy and relief swirling in his dark grey eyes.

"You're the one who saved my life?" She whispered.

Nodding gravely, his previously serious expression changed into a grin.


My eyes flew open. My fingers gripped my left hand, feeling the uneven 'X' shaped scar.

Shaking away the dream, I sighed.

Sitting up in my bed, I gazed at the stars glittering in the navy blue sky.

I owe you my life, Makarov...Porlyusica...Fairy Tail...Thank you...

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