Fly, Fairy

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"There's someone I need to see before we plan the destruction of the Spriggan 12...set course for Magnolia." I commanded.

Ishgar's skies were a cerulean blue, cotton-like clouds hanging in the air. Staring down at the people in the midst of their daily lives, I sighed.

They still don't know what was going to happen soon.

That day. The vision I saw in the water...

Spriggan 12 has invaded Ishgar. The light guilds are fighting. Makarov was defeated. In the fray, a sudden flash of blonde rushed past. Electric blue eyes livid with anger. A blast of white lasers shot at the soldiers. He turns.

I had swiped away the image before the young man turned to face me. I was scared. Scared of the truth. I appear the brutal, cold-blooded empress my soldiers adhere to. But I could never forget. Silent tears beg to be free from my eyes when I remember that last sight.

My father. My brother. Lost in the flames, screaming out for me until the last moment. The towering inferno removing the last fragment of my kin.

I rushed back to my room.

Before I could even sit down on the granite throne, I collapsed. Great, heaving sobs echoed around the soundproof walls. Lunar hesitantly stepped forward, sadness and empathy evident in her soulful green eyes.

She knew. She was the only one I told about my past.

The tears trickle down my cheeks. The transparent, glistening droplets wetting the carpet.

"Why? Why did they have to leave me?" I screamed, my face contorted in pain. The anguish was too much for me to bear. Lunar rubbed her snout comfortingly on my shoulders.

"Everyone has their own bit of sadness and pain in their lives, even me. You're not alone, Akemi. That's why you should live. For your father. For your brother. For all of us."

"I know, but it's just so difficult to forget..." I sniffed, quietly wiping away my tears. I calmed down considerably, reaching out to envelope Lunar in an embrace full of gratitude.

"Thank you for being there for me every time I remember, Lunar." I whispered, burying my head in her soft white fur. She gave me a small whine in response.

I knew I was being selfish. Lunar's past was as painful as mine, but she never spoke of it ever since the first time she told me.

I was stepping through the tall grass gingerly, looking for a cave or hollow of some kind to rest my bare feet. Then I heard a soft whine. Curiosity getting the better of me, I cautiously approached the sound. Lying on the grassy land was a young wolf pup. Blood was oozing out of it's wounds, and it's calls were getting weaker. Moving closer, I saw it's--no, her white fur, matted with dried blood. Realisation jolted through me. She's a Machina Wolf, a type of wolf that has magical properties, mainly changing into different weapons for her breed. Slowly reaching out to her, I tried to pet her, but she noticed me, and bared her fangs in harsh anger. I was slightly startled, but continued. Holding out my hands, palms facing her, I whispered,"Shine, healing light!" A soft white glow emitted from my hands, making the pup's wounds close. No longer seeing me as a threat, she lowered her tired snout to the ground and closed her emerald orbs. Smiling fondly, I picked her up, cradling her closer to my chest. After walking around for a while, I finally located a cave for our shelter. Laying her down on the stone floor, I left to find leaves for her bed and some firewood...

That was how I took her into my care, covering away her scars with thick armour. She filled up the emptiness in my heart, and helped me with my sudden meltdowns. She was just like me, as her parents were taken to be sold in the black markets.

Hugging her again, I then let go and wipe away my tears. Standing up, I smiled at her, and I become the Empress once more.

"Descent complete. Arrival at destination." The system announced through the speakers.

I hide away my wings, walking towards the door. Beyond the windows, I see the infamous logo of a fairy with a pointed tail. Turning back, I look at my best friend. I flash one of my rare, close-eyed smiles for just a split second.

"I'll be back soon, Lunar."

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