Chapter 5

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Cody's POV

-A month later-

-Maxx keeps the shared apartment and lives there alone, now. Austin is in jail and court is still in favor of Maxx-

Maxx is still a bit shaken up... well awfully shaken up. He can't even take physical contact with strangers. Basically, when he gets noticed in public, somebody has to be there. That somebody is normally me, because the guys know that I'm the closest to him. So, that means that I'm alongside him, now. Watching as he tries to forget about Austin and enjoy himself. I could tell he still misses Austin, albeit he had tortured Maxx in more ways than one. 

"Cody," I hear him say under his breath, almost inaudible to me. He glances to me then back at his phone. He definitely didn't want m to hear that. I noticed that his eyes were open wide, he must've seen something. I get up, off his chair and go over to him.

"Maxx," I whisper softly to him," Is everything alright?" He looks up to me, tears welling in his eyes. 

"Cody-" he starts sobbing. I lunge into him to give him a hug. I hold him close, making him lay down as he cries into me. I get up a bit, my hand going to caress his cheek.

"Maxx, what's wrong?" I whisper to him, his face noticeably feels hotter.

"They gave Austin a shorter sentence- what if-" I hug him tighter, trying to whisper to him as gently and meaningfully as I can.  Though most of it was the same, I made sure to emphasize the main point of my mumbles.

"He can't get to you as long as I'm here. You're my best friend," I pat his back, before pulling away, moving his head to look at me. 'Damn, do I want to kiss that adorable face' I decide against it though, wiping his tears and adding on," I love you, bro." I made sure that 'bro' would be there so It wouldn't seem like I had just confessed. I don't want to confuse him. I want Maxx to choose me if he really loves me. Not just on a whim, because of his loss and a simple confession. 

He just smiles and tightens the grip onto me, ducking his head into my chest. I feel my face noticeably grow hotter.  I mess with his bleached hair, as I had done whenever we we're in this kind of hug,"I love you too, Cody-I don't know what I'd do without you."

Without hesitation, I respond," I don't know what I'd do either, Maxx."


I lay down with Maxx, much due to his persistent question of 'what if something comes and gets me in my sleep?'After I hear his slight snores, I mentally sigh. What am I doing? Sure this was normal for us but not after what happened with Austin. I'm still surprised at how we managed to sleep in the same bed, whilst they were dating. 

He lays down, slightly adjusting into the spot right in the crook of my neck. 'I can't take this any longer.' I get up and go onto the floor. Yes, it's very uncomfortable but I don't wanna risk anything with Maxx. He doesn't wake up, luckily, so I stay on the floor, using my clothes as a pillow, knowing full well where his spare blankets and pillows were. 


I wake up to Maxx softly shaking me,"Why were you on the ground?" He seemed frightened and and annoyed. I just rub my eyes and frown at him.

"So that's why you woke me up," I chuckled," I just couldn't sleep with you, I hope you don't mind." I brushed away the hair in his face. He blushed brightly but I take no note of that, knowing he doesn't feel the same way I feel about him.

He looks a bit down, when he says," that's okay, I don't mind."

We get up and go downstairs, he starts making coffee, while I get out breakfast ingredients. The rest of the day went as normal and this time I stayed at my own home, too scared to let loose and lose Maxx. 


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ohhwoeeee (OWO)

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