Chapter 6

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-Cody's POV-

Maxx hasn't left his house in 5 weeks. I've been glancing over this due to feeling like it's my fault. I wasn't able to show him that this world isn't like Austin. It won't hurt him like he did. Noboy will hurt him like Austin did... not as long as I'm here. 


-Maxx's POV-

I glimpse back to all of my past relationships. They all left me broken. I look up to Cody, who conveniently is right next to me, as usual," Why do all the guys I meet have to be such jerks to me?" He looks up at me with a face full of confusion. I take that as him asking for elaboration," I just realized that in all of my past relationships, I was being either used or abused," his face softens.

"Maxx, that doesn't mean anything, maybe you'll find someone you can trust," He seems to be thinking that over again," or maybe you know them already. I'm sure you can find someone you trust!" His smile makes me giddy. I can't pinpoint exactly why but it does." You're like a diamond, everyone should admire you! I mean, you're tough and you're beautiful." The way he called me beautiful made me blush, maybe....? No, he couldn't be- could he?

"I mean, I know that if I were to have someone like you, I'd cherish you---like a diamond! How did Austin let you go, he's crazy." He continues, seemingly blushing, I lean closer to test my theory. It can't be true, how would my best friend have been able to hide it for so long? He doesn't move, he just tenses. 

"Cody," I breathe out quietly. 

"Yes?" He replies, quietly, a bit of fear in his words. 

"Do you like me?"

Those four words get him to blank, his face turns a bright red and he seems to be at a loss for words. Do I like him? I honestly think I do. He's been with me through everything, he's always been there for me, plus he's my best friend. I think I should tell him my new discovery. I really think he'll like it.

"I think I like you, Cody," I need to tell him how much," I think I love you."

He smiles and seems to stop blanking," that's really good, because... I think I love you too."

Without warning him, I go to kiss him. He happily obliges, his lips are so soft and gentle. 'He must really care about me. God, I think I love this boy.'

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you like everyone else." He makes me want to cry, how is he so sincere? Does he really love me? The next thing I know he quickly kisses me." Let me steal you for the rest of my life." We smile together, I go to kiss him again, this time on the cheek. I can't believe this is happening. I'm kissing my best friend.

"Well," He starts," somebody lock me up, 'cause baby, I stole your love." His mood brightens more, making his smile seem like the only one in the world. I can't help but love him. I can't believe it took me so long to realize that he loved me. I can't believe it took so long for me to realize that I loved him back. 

"Romancing a storm, we're on the run," I feel him kiss my neck. I tense, although I full well know that it's something lovers do. Were we lovers?," I'm sorry, Maxx, I didn't know the extent of what happened to you. I'll be sure to be careful."

"It's okay, I trust you."


The confession! I think that this is really adorable.  I'm working on an image to insert in the next chapter, so it may take some time to post it. If I don't add it, then, oh well. 

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