Chapter 4: The Beginning

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Over the last week, I've been packing up my stuff.  I'm ready to start my third and final year of Uni.  It's the day before I'm off to Uni and something strange recently happened.  I woke up a week ago to my phone vibrating off the hook.  I keep all my online info except my face private.  No one on my social media knows my name, age or location.  I also keep all my social media's secret from the people I know in real life so they can't tell anyone online stuff about me.  I'm just cautious like that but that's also whats made me careless.  When I finished my biracial transformation, I uploaded the before and afters to Instagram just to see peoples reactions.  I knew I would get a shit tone of trolling but I was ready for it.  All attention online is good attention.   I've even confessed that I bleach and changed my eye colour.   After that, I went viral.  My pictures, my captions,  i'm not joking when I say people are making YouTube videos about me, talking about me.  Sending links of my page to other people.  I've received mixed reactions too.  

40% of the comments.  "SHE'S A SELF HATER!  SHE'S WHITE WASHED!  THIS IS SAD!  THIS CHICK NEEDS TO HEAL!  SHE'S A LOSER!  SHE'S A BED WENCH!" And so on which is expected.  Funny enough, these comments are mostly coming from the colorist black women haters's who regularly put down and shit on dark skinned women.  Now here they are under my profile pretending that they've never been colorist in their lives and are pretending  they don't know why I'm doing this.  Typical but I don't listen or respond to sadistic hypocrites so their words are just noise to me. 

Another 40% of comments are my new fans defending me.  These people usually fight back against the trolls for me.  The comments are, "SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT SHE WANTS WITH HER BODY!  GIRL YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER!  IF THIS IS WHAT MAKES HER HAPPY LEAVE HER BE!  STOP FORCING PEOPLE TO ACCEPT THEMSELVES WHEN THEY DON'T WANT TO!"  I love these comments.   Finally some people who think like me.  Do what makes you happy.  Fuck everyone else.   YES!  I love that attitude.

The last 20% of comments are the ones I consider shocking and a bit sad.  "Please tell me how you've done it.  What products did you use?  How expensive are they?  Is it dangerous?  How do you avoid the sun?  I wish I could do this!" These comments I'm getting from young dark skinned girls and boys.  It makes me sad that I'm sending out the wrong message but then again, it was never my responsibility or intention to send out a right message to begin with, besides, celebrities like the Kardashians aren't sending out good messages either so why does all the responsibility fall on my shoulders?  Because you hate me?   

I've explained myself in all of my photo captions.  I've let them all know that I'm rather pessimistic and lacking in faith when it comes to the world.  I've told them my background, colorism story and that I hate hypocrisy.  I quickly took a new selfie and uploaded it to instagram captioned, "I don't listen to hypocrites so try again trolls. (peace emoji)"

Even through all the negativity, I'm feeding off my supply of attention and the best thing about it is, these haters are too stupid to stop trolling me and let me starve.   They will continue and as long as they do, so will I.  I finished packing up the last of my stuff before I got to work doing to chores around the house.   The hoovering, the washing up, the laundry, the dusting and once that was all done, it was off to the gym for me.  I'm craving some aching muscles and endorphins.  I took a selfie of me in the gym and decided to write something crazy under it just for the controversy.

"About to start my work out and guess what I've recently learn't?  People will believe what they want to believe regardless of facts and evidence so if that's the case, I'll do that too.   My biological father/sperm donor ejaculated then evacuated.  I've never met or seen him so since I'm now biracial, lets pretend he's a white man.  Peace. (Wink emoji)" 

Yes I know.  This above is fucking insane but I'm just itching for the reaction I may get out of it.  It won't be good which gets me tingling with excitement.  Lets be real, people feed like vampires off of negativity and I've been brought up in such dysfunction that I'm the same.  Maybe one of these days I'll take my ass to therapy but for now, the trolling and triggered people that I feel coming are feeding me good.   

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