Chapter 5: The Exposure

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Life is great seriously.  I'm a loner just going to my lessons and on my days off, I go to work and other days I talk to Auntie.  It's been 3 weeks and I've fallen into the routine of university life.  Some days I have my lessons in the morning only then the rest of the day I'm free.  Some days I'm not free at all and other days I have lessons in the afternoon only.  I need to keep securing my bag so me and boss arranged a new working schedule around the university times where I have no lessons.  Today, I have lessons in the afternoon only so I had to get up early for my morning shift.  After I did that just before lunch time, I came back and on my way through campus, I walked past a white man around my age who dropped all his stuff.

"Shit!" He muttered as he bent down and begun to struggle picking it all up.  

"Here let me help you."  I turned and offered getting down on one knee.

"Thanks."  He said looking at me.  That's when I had a mini moment of surprise.  This mans not white, he's mixed race with prominent black features but his colouring is very close to that of a Caucasians.  His skin is a very light yellow colour, his eyes are deep blue and his hair is a mid brown but super curly.   He's tall and has a nice muscular body.  He's actually really good looking. 

"What?" He asked. 

"Oh sorry.  I didn't mean to stare."  I apologised continuing to help him with his stuff.  Afterwards we said bye.  I never got his name which is a shame.  I was staring because he's my type.  I've always preferred light skinned mix race guys over black one's.  When I was younger, I didn't realise that made me different from the other black girls because they usually preferred dark black guys like them.   On my way back to my room, I opened the door and Mairin jumped off her bed and stood up with some Asian friends of hers when I came through.  

"Relax it's only me."  I shrugged.

"No that's not it Omolara."  They all looked at me concerned.  

"What is it?"  I asked, growing worried by their expressions.

"Omolara, is this girl you?"  Mairin's friend passed her a tablet who then passed it to me.  The first thing I saw on the screen was a giant ass headline.  INSTAGRAMS PSEUDO BIRACIAL EXPOSED.  OMOLARA IS HER NAME."

"What the hell!"  My heart begun to race and my jaw dropped.  I've been exposed?  I sat on the edge of my bed and read through the article. 

"A new controversial instagram model who calls herself the pseudo biracial has been exposed as Omolara Laurence," (that's my last name that I've abandoned) "who's 20 and lives in Orlando.  She recently blew up with her before and after instagram photos showing her skin bleaching journey and the massive difference in the before and afters has caught the worlds interest.   She first picked up steam on social media showing off her before and after pictures which shows her transforming from a rich complexioned black women to what appears to be a biracial women.  She has even shockingly altered her eye colour from dark brown to dark blue with the use of chemicals.   Omolara used both expensive skin lightening creams and pills to achieve her new lighter complexion and has received a slew of backlash on her instagram page.  Even so, Omolara has brushed off the hate claiming that she doesn't respond to hypocrites.  The pseudo biracial's page has also caused a massive debate all over twitter as people can't decide what determines race.  DNA or how you look?  Omolara isn't the first to alter her outer appearance to more resemble another race.  Xiahn Nishi, a white brazillian man altered his eyes through surgery for a more Asian physical appearance.  Xiahn Nishi came out on instagram yesterday defending Omolara's side of the argument supporting the pseudo biracial's claims that race is about physical appearance."

I read all that in my head.  I looked up to see Mairin and her friends looking at me curiously.  Eyes wide wanting to see what would happen next with great anticipation.  

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