Chapter 11

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1 month later............

Ariana's POV

I woke up, did my usual morning routine and decided to wear a white long sleeved shirt that clings to my body, some skinny jeans and some ankle length boots. I got my bag and headed to school. When I arrived, I went to my locker and there was a note at the front of it.

Ms. Fray,

Please head to the principal's office. We have something to tell you.

Ms. Trinket

I then started heading my way to the principal's office. I knocked on the door and went inside to find the secretary, Ms. Trinket, seated at her desk

"Yes Ms. Trinket?" I said. She looked up and she smiled.

"Oh yes, dear. Go inside Mrs. Coin's office. She's waiting or you."

"Okay. Thank you Ms. Trinket." I said and headed inside the principal's office. I opened the door to find principal Coin seated at her desk.

"Principal Coin? You wanted to see me?" I said. She nodded and gestured for me to take a seat.

"Okay Ariana. There are some new students in this school and I want you to be their guide until they can handle on their own. Clear?"

I nodded and asked her, "Where are they?"

"Just outside at Ms. Trinket's office. Oh, here they come." She said and in came a girl about 5' with flaming red hair and emerald green eyes and a guy who had blond hair and blue eyes who was about 5'9 or 5'10.

"Okay you two. Here is your guide. I assume you got your timetables and other stuff?" She asked the two. They nodded and partly shooed us out of the ofice.

"Um hi. My name is Ariana but you can call me Ari for short." I introduced myself. The girl with the red hair smiled and introduced herself.

"My name Clary but my full name is Clarissa. Call me Clary for short." I nodded and the blond-haired guy spoke.

"My name is Peeta Mellark." He said.

"Peeta? Like the bread?" I asked him. Peeta shrugged and said, "My family are bakers and are crazy about bread."

I nodded.

"Let's compare scedules." I said and I got both of teirs. I quiky scanned and realized we had the same classes together.

"Great! We have the same classes. First up is homeroom so let's go." I said and handed them back their timetables. I gestured them to follow me and we walked to homeroom, but not before letting them go to their lockers.

When we arrived, I was kinda pounded with questions, morely from Jace.

"Where have you been?"

"Who are these people behind you?"

"Ari, you got me worried."

"Can we go to Starbucks?"

I raised an eyebrow at Yzie, who shrugged.

"Okay, I'll tell you. Number 1: I went to the principal's office. Number 2: These are new students. number 3: Why Starbucks?"

That pretty much shut them up. I gestured for Clary and Peeta to take their seats, which were nearby.

"Guys, these are Peeta and Clary." I introdued them and I swear, at the cornr of my eye, I could see Jace turn slightly pink at the mention of Clary, to which my stomach dropped down like an anchor.

Peeta's POV

Damn, Ari was cute. I really have absolutely NO idea why I started thinking she as cute but it just popped up into my mind. But i could see the way she looks at that Jace guy. She kinda looks like she's in love with him but I saw that when Jace turned slightly pink at Clary, I could see the sparks dim in her eyes.It kinda makes me wanna walk up to her and hug her, but that would be awkward. So I just brushed it off.

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