Chapter 17

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-Time Skip to 2 Weeks Later
-Warning: PDA

Yzie's POV

Two weeks. Her plug is being pulled today. Peeta visits her constantly, but he's a dead living being. He no longer laughs, he no longer smiles. He became so depressed. The only thing that could bring him back is Ari. He loved her. She loved him. She needs him. He needs her. Its like a never ending cycle. But today, they're pulling the cord. Peeta is no longer the same. He flunks his test, he has dark bags which is darker than darkness itself. She needs to come back. For us. For him. We quickly headed to the hospital to stall time.

Once we get there, the doctors are there.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I yelled just as I barged right in.

"I'm sorry miss, but her time is out." The doctor said calmly. How could he? That bastard!

"YOU CANNOT DO THIS! WE NEED HER! I NEED HER!" Peeta yelled. He ran to Ari's side and grabbed her hand.

"Ari, please wake up. They're pulling your cord out. Please wake up. Please! I love you more than anything. Please!" Peeta said.

Ari's POV

I heard them. They're pulling off my cord. I need to wake up. Especially for Peeta. He told me he loves me. He loves me! I try one last time. And then...

It worked.

I opened my eyes to bright light. I wake up to doctors and the gang.

"Hi." I said, my voice hoarse.

"ARI!" Peeta said then pounced on me. I winced. He released me.

"Sorry." He said, apologizing over and over. I smiled.

The doctors then ran some tests and said, I could go home tomorrow.

The gang then pestered me with questions.

"Guys, guys, please chill. I just woke up. Calm down." I said, my voice still a bit hoarse. They calmed down. They told me school has started and that, since I was advanced, I didn't have to take make up classes for it.

After 2 hours, they left except Peeta.

"You heard everything?'' Peeta said.

"Yeah. You love me?" I asked. He nodded.

"I loved you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. Since you were in a coma, I thought I lose everything. You were my everything. You were my world. I couldn't live without you Ar. Will you be mine?" He said.

"YES!" I yelled. He grinned and he crashed his lips into mine. This time, I felt fireorks and literally saw sparks. Butterflies roamed in my stomach. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We broke apart. He kissed my forehead.

"I'll be here with you. Forever and always." He said. I smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Now tell me, who did this to you?" He said. I froze and looked down.


"It was Maria. I was foating and then someone grabbed me and pulled me under and then they wrapped their hands around my throat. They then left me like that and then everything went black." I said really fast, tearing up. Peeta wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his shirt.

"Shh. Its okay Ar. I'm here." He said soothingly. After a few minutes I calmed down. Peeta ordered pizza for dinner and he called the others over.

We decided to tell them after eating. We all silently ate.

"Hey guys, we have something to tell you." I said, linking hands with Peeta.

"What is it?'' Yzie said confused. Peeta raised our intertwined hands.

"We're together." Peeta said, smiling.

The girls squealed and rushed up to me and hugged me. I laughed. This is the perfect life. I might have nearly been dead, but I have friends who stick by me, an amazing boyfriend, and the greatest thing that I have. Love. I'm happy and there's nothing that could change that.

Okay. So end of chapter. I'll post the part when the characters all apply to the same colleges and let's see who will get in. There will be a breakup and a new couple. Who do you think it will be?

Yziebela get ready for a new man.


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