Speak of the Devil

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Bonnie jumped off of me with a red face before I got up.

"Did you guys have a nice trip?" Giggles... Giggled.

"Your boy toy better hurry up and get in there. He's late and boss gets a tad bit angry when people are late." The Crimson Groundskeeper said.

"I guess that means we should get going." Bonnie said scratching the back of her neck. "It was nice meeting you... Wait, I don't even know your name."

"It's (Y,N)." I told her.

"Oh! It was nice meeting you, (Y,N)." She said with a smile.

"It was nice meeting you too." I said before looking over at Giggles. "And you too."

"You don't have to lie. I know it wasn't." She said. I looked at the principal's office and gulped before walking in. I saw the principal actually standing in the corner as Lucifer sat in her desk. I also saw a girl shaking in a chair next to an empty one. I sat in the empty chair making the girl shriek before looking over at me. She was a nerdy looking brunette.

"Nice of you to join us, (Y,N). Nice to see you were somehow more late than Kimberly over here." The Principal said.

"I already told you It wasn't my fault! It was the freaky clown girl and her friend with the blue hair!" The brunette said.

"I also had to deal with two psychopathic clowns." I said. "Wait, did you just say Giggles and Bonnie attacked you?" I asked the girl.

"Yeah! They said they could 'smell the fear on me' and they were going to Kill me before one of them got distracted and they disappeared!"

"Makes sense. After all they are here to learn how to properly be the monster under your beds." The Principal said. "Speaking of, I'm sure you two want to know why you're here. Kimberly meet (Y,N), (Y,N) meet Kimberly, you're the only two humans at this school who aren't serial killers or evil scientists. As you heard during my little speech, I'm not going to be running this school after this year and instead, Luci is going to be taking over. But for whatever reason, she wants to make a big change to the school." She looked over at Lucifer.

"Oh, right! Ahem," She said before looking at us. "Like my mother said, every other human at this school is a deranged sinner of some kind and are only here to get worse and remembered in infamy. That's great, don't get me wrong! I'm totally for it! But things are kind of getting crowded in Hell, and as much as I wish I could say I enjoy all the murder, some of it's just kind of upsetting to me. Especially since I know what some of the murderers and 'monsters' could've been. So I want to turn part of the school into a sort of reform school. I'm not saying become a born again Christian, no sex until your married, don't do drugs, but just stopping you from becoming irredeemable sinners, and, sorry to break it to you guys, you guys are definitely on the track of irredeemable."

"Wh-what!? I've never done any bad in my life!" Kimberly said.

"And I haven't done anything that bad!" I said making the principal chuckle.

"Why'd you get kicked out of your last school again exactly?" She asked me. "Isn't It the same thing that's been plaguing your thoughts and dreams for months upon months? Surely you can remember it if it's been bothering you for so long. You and I both know where you're going with this whole thing. Beating the shit out of her just wasn't enough-"

"Alright I get it! And don't pretend she didn't deserve it! And not just for what she did to me!"

"I know she did. She's also got a spot in level 3 when she's dead. But do you really want to be in level 11? Because whether you want to believe it or not, you're heading down a certain path and the only way to stop it is by going through with this, or y'know going to therapy, but hey that's basically Luci's job this year. Now, personally I don't care if you do reform or not. But Luci personally picked you because she saw the good in you and knows you can change for the better."

"She's right." Lucifer said. "(Y,N) you don't have to be that person I want to stop you from becoming. I want to help you, I really do." She looked over at Kimberly. "And I want to help you too."

"Help me with what!? Again, I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Yet." The Principal snickered. "But every person has a breaking point. Ask Mr. Breaking Collarbones over there."

"Mom, stop it! You're acting like a kid!" Lucifer snapped at the Principal with her eyes turning red and her hair going up slightly so you could see her horns. She took a deep breath before looking back at us. "She's right though Kimberly. You're close to snapping. Ever seen Halloween?"

"Well, kids at my old school would talk about trick or treating a lot but I've never been." She responded.

"No I don't mean- Wait, you've never gone trick or treating?" Lucifer asked.

"Follow up, you've never seen the Halloween movies?" I asked.

"Is that like a scary movie? Because if it is, no." I looked at her dumbfounded. I looked back at Lucifer.

"You chose a person who's never seen a horror movie for this?" I asked them.

"It doesn't matter if she's seen a horror movie or not when she becomes female Michael Myers in 10 years." Lucifer explained. I let out an "ohhhhhhhh" in realization.

"Wh-what does that mean?" Kimberly asked.

"You don't need to know right now, but I need you two to trust me. So will you guys give me a chance?" Lucifer asked.

. . .

"Hey, kid where are you going?" The Crimson Groundskeeper asked me.


"...Okay well can you get me a new Chris Benoit action figure? My last one broke and they're not exactly easy to come by."

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