Infection of the blood

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So, being admitted into the hospital was hell. I have two bracelets on my right wrist, one with all my information (name, birth date, etc) the other with all the allergies I have to different medications and narcotics. I could not stand when I was first taken into the hospital my mother way nearly carrying me, which, for my mother, was an accomplishment she said it herself. In the last four days I think I've lost 10-15 pounds. They put me in a wheel chair and I just about had the strength to lift my head up. The light hurt when it hit my skin and my eyes, wearing sunglasses inside and a hoodie trying to cover myself up while having a fever of 103 was not fun. My skin hurt to touch, getting blood work I was almost in tears. They have to put a numbing agent on my skin before they can do anything. On my right arm they tried to put an IV drip in and my body kept rejecting the needle, the doctor said it was because of the infection that my veins were hard to get to and it was rejecting the fluid and antibiotics. After about 10-15 minuets of fusing around they had to take the needle out as they missed my vein completely, I now have a bruise where they tried to get the needle in several times. Trying with my left arm they only had to fuss around with it for about 5 minutes before they finally got the needle in and the IV dripping. My mother count stand in the room long enough because she would have fainted, same with my grandfather. My aunt and my friend Danny was there. Danny pretty much stayed in the room the whole time trying to keep my anxiety down to a minimum. After the nurse had got the IV started the doctor was in the room. Checking out my throat, my head, back, shoulders, chest. Pretty much everything. The doctor had to take a swab of my throat to put it through testing, nearly threw on up the guy. After about two hours of being in emergency I was moved up to the ICU, intensive care unit. There the doctor ordered about, 1000mg of antibiotics to be given through the IV drip. Another hour passed and the antibiotics started to take effect, after that they hooked up some saline, a Mixture of water with 0.9mg of salt. Two bags of Saline, one bag of antibiotics, 2.5mg of graval and, 1.5mg of morphine for my pain. The lab results came in around 1am in the morning. The doctors sugar coated it for my family that was still there and after they left the doctor told me and my mother that I have strep throat and have had it for a while, because it was not treated to toxins entered my blood stream, cause my heart rate, blood pressure and pulse to sky rocket to the point where I could have had a heart attack. The doctor told us if I had waited longer to come into the hospital, the infection would get worse and I could go into cardiac arrest, which is similar to a heart attack. As I stand right now, if I stop taking antibiotics, the infection will spread to my kidneys.


1,800mg - of Antibiotics

{very rare antibiotics in my case}

80-100mg - of Tylenol T3's

10mg - of graval if needed

Then I have my every day medication which I have been on for over three months now.


Due to my rapid heart beat, high blood pressure and pulse I am to stay out of large places, anything that can cause my sever anxiety to worsen. I have been given 10-15 days of bed rest, with limited social interaction.



- hot and cold flashes

-feeling as though your skin is on fire

{anyone touches your skin it hurts, a lot}

-hurts to blink

-sunlight or any type of light hurts

-hurts to move

-little to no strength

-can not walk on your own

-light headed {extreme dizziness}

-hair hurts

-shoulder, neck and back feel heavy

{can't hold your head up}

-veins are more noticeable

{veins are darker in colour along wrists, ankles, feet, neck and legs}

-painful reaction to morphine

{across shoulders, neck, burning sensation}

-painful to swallow

-can not eat or drink anything

{due to pain}

-pressure in the ears

{very uncomfortable}

-body will reject needles

{if infection is bad enough}

-Elevated heart rate

-Elevated blood pressure

-Elevated pulse

-dilated pupils

-upset stomach

-may cause throwing up

{didn't in my case}

There are more that are either uncomfortable to explain or there is no possible way to explain.

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