Chapter Twenty Seven: Mood Swinging

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Sandra was crying on Kai's shoulder, explaining how she feels.

"And then Lee got with Sungee but Sohee wanted Lee, and.....This drama was just too depressing Kai!"

Kai rolled his eyes, patting her back.

"Sandra, it's just your hormones. Remember, you're six months pregnant. Anything makes your feelings rocket through the roof."

Sandra glared at Kai while.looking up.

"The fuck did you just say?...."

Kai moved back a little, rubbing his neck. Sandra then pouted and started crying again.

"You just think I'm fat!"

Kai gave a surprised and confused look.

"What?! No! I didn't-"

Sandra started yelling, getting angry again.

"And now you're gonna lie!"

Kai got up, grabbing his keys and jacket. He walked over to the door, opening it.

"I'm just gonna get you some chocolate, okay? Bye!"

Right when he closed the door, Sandra threw the lamp at the door, letting it break.


Catie heard her door open, turning her head. She quickly turned the lights off, and crept her way to the door. She saw a figure come in, and immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, thinking it was Tao, whispering.

"You're home, finally. I missed you. There's a warm shower waiting for us."

Kai grabbed a hold of Caties hands, pulling her off.

"Catie?! It's me Kai!"

Catie quickly turned the lights on, gasping.

"Oh my gosh Kai I'm so sorry! Dammit I thought you were Tao! You ruined it!"

Catie threw a pillow from the couch at him, missing.

"...Close enough. What do you want?"

Kai set his stuff down, smiling.

"I can't stop by and say hey?"

Catie crossed her arms, smirking.

"What happened with Sandra?"

Kai let his smile fall, pursing his lips.

"Her mood swings, are off the chain. I needed to get somewhere before she killed me."

Kai sat down on the couch, Catie doing the same.

"You don't think I'm not having mood swings as well?"

"Are they as bad as Sandra? Screaming in your face, then saying I love you the next?"

Catie started laughing, shaking her head.

"She got them bad. Well are you trying to help her? Tao has been giving me massages, cooking for me, cleaning. What have you done?"

Kai looked the other way, ignoring Catie. Catie widened her eyes, hitting his shoulder.

"You haven't done anything!?"

Kai looked back at Catie, speaking low.

"....what if she hurts me?"

"She's hurting you because you're not doing anything! I want you to go back, and make her feel special! Maybe her mood swings might calm down. If they don't, well then you're on your own son."

Catie stood up, pulling up Kai and pushing him to the door. Before he opened it, he gave Catie a quick hug.

"Thank you. But can't I just stay a little while longer?"

"Kai...The beast is waiting."

Kai sighed loudly, walking out, and closing the door.


When Kai walked into his apartment, it was dark, and quiet. He stepped on the broken lamp pieces with his shoes, crunching noises being made.

"Sandra, baby?"

Kai looked into his bedroom, slowly walking in. He saw a figure on his bed, balled up under a blanket. Slowly, he tapped her figure, checking on her.

"Babe, are you sleeping?"

Kai saw her face, and realized she was asleep. He sighed to himself, and checked the time. The clock read '8:09'.

"I guess I'll lay down as well."

He pulled his shirt off, and shoes, along with his pants. He grabbed some basketball shorts laying on his dresser, and slipped them on. Kai carefully went under the blankets as he climbed into bed. He wrapped his arms around Sandras growing bump, speaking to it.

"Hey there little guy. Well, hopefully girl actually. How's it going? I'm daddy. I've always wanted a child. Though I didn't expect this crazy chick to be your mother."

He laughed to himself as he kept talking.

"I hope you turn out looking like your mother. Beautiful, funny, unique, etc. Though I want you to have my personality and attitude. Laid back, loves dancing, rapping. It'd be cool if my daughter was a rapper. Anyway, you're going to have god parents. You'll love them as soon as you see them. Your God mother is named Catie. She's my best friend. Knowing her, she'll be more of a Satan mother and try to teach you bad things and spoil you. Your God Father is named Tao. He's actually calm and will be an enlightenment in your laugh. I guess you can say you'll have a bittersweet god parent relationship."

Kai stopped talking when be felt a kick against his hand. He smiled to himself, moving closer.

"I'm gonna say you like this conversation. Did you know your God parents will be actual parents as well? They are having a child also. They want a boy. You can have a long-term friend to grow up with! Just don't become more than friends, or I'll be upset. Also, we are guardians. Except for your mother, she's just a crazy human. So I don't know if you'll be one or not. Hopefully you will be. A beautiful guardian baby."

Kai felt his eyes starting to get heavy. He yawned, and kept talking. He felt another hand cover his, and he looked over to find Sandra smiling, while speaking.

"I hope you become more than friends with the other child, it'll be cute. Don't worry about your father, he won't do shit."

Kai scoffed while speaking up.

"Hey watch your language around her. And I'll mess that boy up if he tries to make a move on her."

"You're gonna try to hurt your best friends child because he's in love with your child?"

Kai carefully picked his words, speaking softly.

"Well what if he's a rebel? You know how Catie is."

"And what if she's crazy? You know how I am. They'd make the perfect match."

Kai sighed and cuddled closer to Sandra. He kissed her neck, and whispered.

"Just like how we made the perfect match?"

Kai fell asleep as he talked. Sandra smiled to herself, talking.

"I don't see how you were a rebel, but sure."

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